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How to accept and reject abstracts
How to accept and reject abstracts

Learn how to add accept and reject statuses to abstract submissions.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over 3 years ago

Within abstract events, an abstract is “accepted” when it’s linked to a session and displayed on the website. Event managers may want to assign an “Accept” or “Reject” status to submissions allowing them to filter, send email campaigns, and/or sort reports more effectively.

The process for creating and using these statuses involves re-purposing the “Assigned presentation method”. This is the presentation method that can be assigned to abstracts by an event manager. The “Preferred presentation method” is separate and can still be used without any issues. 

Note: If you are already using the “Assigned presentation method” for your own purposes, this solution may not be applicable. 

Accepting and rejecting abstracts

The video below walks you through how to add and enable new assigned presentation methods to your event, then assign those methods to submitted abstracts. In addition, the video shows how the methods can be used for filtering purposes to send acceptance and rejection emails. Text instructions below video:

Adding presentation methods

As a reminder, the “preferred method” is one the submitter chooses, while the “assigned method” is one an event manager assigns to the submission, these are two separate values. 

The first step is to edit the presentation methods at the account level. 

  1. Go to System settings > Settings > Presentation Methods (must have necessary access)

  2. Click the “Add” button in the top left to create a new method

  3. Add “Accepted” and “Rejected” as methods (or any other methods you intend to use)

  4. Select the “Active” and “Assigned” checkboxes to ensure only event managers will see this method

  5. Go to Abstracts > Setup > Presentation Methods

  6. Check the “Assigned” box for the new methods 

Assigning presentation methods to abstracts

Once the methods are created and marked as “Assigned”, you can begin assigning these methods to submissions. Follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Abstracts > Management > Submissions

  2. Select one or more abstracts to update

  3. Click the ‘Tools’ dropdown in the top left and select “Change presentation method…”

  4. Choose the proper status and click “Save”

Filtering and emailing by assigned method

You can now filter your submission list by selecting a status in the ‘Method’ dropdown. Use these filters to easily send acceptance emails to the correct abstract submissions. Take the following steps:

  1. Use the “Method” dropdown and select the method to filter by (example: ‘Accepted’)

  2. Use the ‘Tools’ dropdown and click “Select all”

  3. Once selected, use the ‘Tools’ dropdown and select “Email authors…”

  4. Select the email to send

  5. Choose the recipients related to the abstract 

  6. Click “Proceed” to send the email

Tip: As you begin linking abstracts to sessions, filter by “Accepted” abstracts to shorten your list.

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