As part of the award judging process, event managers can add criteria and allow for judges to add grades and comments per criteria. Judging criteria can be added and applied to an entire award section, award category, and/or a specific award question.
Award criteria for judges is optional, as event managers can choose to use an overall grade and/or comment for judge input.
Adding award criteria for a section (if sections are used)
Award criteria can be added for all categories within a specific award section, without having to add criteria for each category individually. This works best if the same criteria is used for all categories within the section. If different criteria is needed for each category, criteria must be added for each category individually.
Note: If sections are not used in your awards event, simply skip this section and refer to “Adding award criteria for a category”.
Follow the steps below to add award criteria which applies to all categories in a section:
Go to Awards > Setup > Criteria
Click “Add” in the top left corner
Enter a description for the criteria that will be shown to judges (example: Relevance)
(Optional) Enter an ‘Additional Description’ to show to judges
Choose the section from the “Select Section” dropdown
Click “Save” in the top right
Assuming the award judging settings allow for a score and comment per criteria (no overall score/comment), a judge will see the following when reviewing an award entry:
Note: The screenshot above may be different based on award judging settings such as allowing judges to opt out, or requiring an overall score/comment per entry.
Adding award criteria for a category
If award sections are not used, event managers can specify a category for each criteria added if they require unique criteria per category.
Whether sections are used or not, if the criteria applies to all categories, leave the ‘Category’ dropdown blank. Take the following steps to add criteria for each category:
Go to Awards > Setup > Criteria
Click “Add” in the top left corner
Enter a description for the criteria that will be shown to judges (example: Relevance)
(Optional) Enter an ‘Additional Description’ to show to judges
Select a category from the ‘Category’ dropdown if using unique criteria per category OR leave the ‘Category’ dropdown blank if the criteria applies to all categories
Click “Save” in the top right
Assuming the award judging settings allow for a score and comment per criteria and event managers are using separate criteria per category, a judge will see the following when reviewing an award entry:
Note: The criteria for one category may be different than the criteria for another award category.
Adding award criteria for a question
In addition to adding criteria that applies to specific sections or award categories, event managers can also create criteria to apply to specific award questions. When adding criteria for questions, the criteria will appear directly below the question it’s linked to.
To add criteria for a specific award question, take the following steps:
Go to Awards > Setup > Criteria
Click “Add” in the top left corner
Enter a description for the criteria that will be shown to judges (example: Relevance)
(Optional) Enter an ‘Additional Description’ to show to judges
(If applicable) Choose the section from the “Select Section” dropdown
Select a category from the ‘Category’ dropdown if using unique criteria per category OR leave the ‘Category’ dropdown blank if the criteria applies to all categories
Select an award question from the ‘Question’ dropdown
Click “Save” in the top right
Assuming the award judging settings allow for a score and comment per criteria and event managers are using separate criteria per category, a judge will see the following when reviewing an award entry: