14 February, 2025
Enable invitees to bring guests
You can now allow invitees to add guests to their order! With the option to add guest specific tickets or use the other available tickets, you can control whether invitees may bring guests.
Scheduled emails
You'll notice a change on the modal when scheduling an email send. This interim step move the send time to a new tab within the modal. The next release will bring recurring send functionality that will be controlled from this tab.
Manage Email Preferences
Users can now manage their own email preferences (subscribe and unsubscribe) via the recently added tools. This new page completes to project and provides confirmaton to the user when they choose to unsubscribe or resubscribe.
Session details on waitlist offer page
We're providing more details about the session when an attendee lands on the waitlist offer page. This helps them make a more informed decision and helps drive acceptance for the waitlisted sessions at your event.
Ticket table
We're adding more info to the order notification email in the form of any free and waitlisted tickets that are included in the order. This will give you more information in an existing email to maximize efficiency.
.ics file downloads
You can now attach .ics files to your emails in case you want a custom calendar reminder for your attendees.
17 January, 2025
Let admins determine session order
Admins can now dictate how their sessions will display on the agenda page for a given start time. If you have multiple sessions that begin at the same time, you can arrange them in the order that you choose.
Option to add invoices/credit notes to order notification/update emails
We’re adding the option for event admins to attach invoices/credit notes to order notification and order update notification emails.
Display 'included tickets' in tickets list
We’re enhancing the tickets list by listing all tickets that are included in a package. You’ll no longer need to ‘edit’ the package to see what tickets it contains.
Show Presenter name on sessions grid
We’re enhancing the sessions grid to allow adding a column for the presenter name.
Default website colors at account level
We’re adding the ability to set default colors and font at the account level so every event you create starts off with these colors. This will help you stay on brand even if you don’t copy a previous event.
Add Job Title column to Attendees grid
We’re adding a column for job title to the Attendees grid.
Keep the Presenter order in a session
We’re making some updates to allow ordering of the presenter within a session. Whichever name you place first will be displayed first on the agenda.
Allow invitees to select select items on initial booking
Invitees can now select items when making their initial registration.
Resend email, but to different email address
We’re enhancing the resend email function to allow insertion of a different email address. This will assist with cases such as typographical errors when email addresses were initially entered, etc.
Changing a ticket to one that's at max capacity
We’re making it more clear to admins that using the change ticket feature applies only to available tickets. Admins will now get a more useful error message and more obvious lack of selectability of tickets that are already at max capacity.
22 November, 2024
Scheduled email failures
Event admins will now receive an email if a scheduled email campaign fails to send. The email will include the reason for failure, if known, along with some gentle direction on how to correct the issue to ensure a successful send.
Waitlist offer emails
Waitlist offer emails are now editable. Please make sure to give the recipients the opportunity to accept or decline the offer.
Waitlist for invitees
Waitlist functionality has been expanded to include invitees. When an invitee accepts the invitation and is taken to the ticket selection page, they will now see the opportunity to add them selves to the waitlist if enabled on your event and if there is remaining capacity on the waitlist.
Waitlist offered tickets
Offered tickets are now visible in the checkout page. If a booker is amending their order while open offers are available, they will have the opportunity to include those offered tickets in their current modification and pay once for all desired order updates..
Email history filter
You now have the ability to filter the email history page to see only those emails with your choice of opened status; opened, or unopened..
GA4 in iFrame
You can now track events that happen in the iFramed Eventsforce page. No special set-up required, just make sure to add your GA4 info in the Eventsforce settings, iFrame Eventsforce into your existing website and all relevant tracking information will show in your GA4 account.
25 October, 2024
Scheduled email sends
We're introducing a new scheduled email feature so you can pre-plan to send an email at the most optimal time, even if you're not logged in to Eventsforce. This first iteration permits single sends, but be on the lookout for recurring sends in a future release.
Offered and Waitlist management grids
We're enhancing the way you manage your waitlist for tickets and sessions. Instead of displaying both the active offers and the waitlisted spaces together, we're separating offers from the waitlist backlog. This will help you better visualize what is happening on your waitlist and sets us up for future planned enhancements for grouped waitlist clearance.
Group booking management
We're enhancing the way your incomplete attendees display in the checkout page by displaying the email address for any unnamed person in your group. This will allow you to make amendments to the appropriate person even if they haven't completed their attendee details.
27 September, 2024
Allow admin to select pay later for any event
We're making it possible for an event admin to select a pay later option for any event. This means that admins will have the ability to register a walk-up attendee and agree to send an invoice even if the event is configured for pay now only.
View Offer button in place of separate Accept and Decline buttons
We're reducing occurrences of mistaken clicks in the Accept/Decline waitlist offer flow by directing all users to a View Offer page where they will make their selection. This reduces instances of offers being accidentally declined and therefore, lost.
Applying a discount to unpaid order must go through temp basket
We're improving the experience when adding a discount to an unpaid order. The discount will now apply to both the new tickets and any existing unpaid tickets in your order.
Discounts at order level
We're introducing discounts at the order level. You can now offer a single discount that applies to the whole order instead of each ticket being discounted separately. Choose the option that works best for you and your event!
Allow dependent questions on booker details pages - single page dependency
We're now allowing you to add dependent questions on the additional booker details page. This allows you to customize the experience and create more complex question flows for bookers.
Utilize 'remove' tab of add/remove ticket modal for in-progress removals
We're making the adding and removing of tickets when amending an order more logical. The actions of adding or removing tickets in the Add/Remove modal will be done only on the appropriate tab, regardless whether the changes are in-progress or if they're part of the original order.
Improve experience when editing email templates
We're making some updates to the email template editor by introducing a 'cancel changes' button, making some more room on smaller screens to edit the template and introducing a scroll bar on the list of available email tags.
Show current status on the amendment mode checkout page
We're updating the checkout page to more clearly show the current status of the order so bookers can be clear about what their order will look like after confirming their in-progress changes.
Show waitlisted sessions on the checkout page
We're updating the checkout page to include any waitlisted sessions to be consistent with waitlisted tickets and so the booker always knows the full details of the order.
30 August, 2024
Ticket waitlist management tools - sort by date/time and order price added to the waitlist
We're enhancing the recently released ticket waitlist functionality by adding tools to help you manage the ticket waitlist. Re-sorting by the date/time added to the waitlist or order price is now accomplished with a few clicks.
Ticket waitlist in individual mode
We're enhancing the ticket waitlist functionality to provide a better experience in individual registration mode. Bookers will not be able to place more than one ticket (confirmed or waitlist) in a single registration.
Show 'in progress' booking and 'offered' waitlist clearance session counts
We're clarifying the counts of used and waitlisted sessions by adding 'offered' and 'in progress' counts. This will allow you to have a clear picture of how your sessions are being consumed by your attendees.
Show current status on the amendment mode checkout page
We're updating the checkout page to more clearly show the current status of the order so bookers can be clear about what their order will look like after confirming their in-progress changes.
Additional booking flow - enforce mandatory fields
We're finalizing the changes to the new 'traditional' booking flow to enforce mandatory questions more consistently in appropriate modes. Indicating that the order is not complete until all required attendee details are entered now gives a logical flow and alerts the booker to complete any fields that may have been overlooked.
2 August, 2024
Sessions grid: retain selection after bulk action
We're updating the sessions grid to retain selections after performing a bulk action. This should save you a few clicks.
Custom confirmation email template
We're providing the ability to have custom confirmation emails, including selecting a different confirmation template per attendee category.
Alert that increasing ticket and venue capacity will trigger waitlist offers
We're adding an alert message to warn users that increasing capacity may trigger offers to be sent.
Ticket waitlist management tools - sort by ticket price
We're adding more tools to help you manage your ticket waitlist - you'll now be able to sort the waitlist by ticket price.
Waitlist offer validity
We're updating the input field for validity of waitlist offer to accept a maximum of 999 hours.
Show 'in progress' booking and 'offered' waitlist clearance ticket counts
We're enhancing the tickets grid to account for tickets that are offered (due to someone clearing from the waitlist) and those that are being held by an in-progress order (in someone's cart, but the order is not yet completed).
5 July, 2024
Waitlist at ticket level
We're releasing a brand new feature to allow your potential attendees to place themselves on a waitlist for a given ticket if it is not available; either due to the ticket capacity or the venue capacity having been reached.
Invitee filter updates
We're updating the filter for invitees to separate Unregistered and Canceled invitees. This will prevent you from sending an event invitation to a person who was invited, registered but then canceled their registration.
Generate a new invoice when any booker details are updated
We will generate a new invoice each time booker details are updated. This will allow bookers to add a PO number or correct their submitted information so it appears correctly on the invoice without the need to make a material change to the order.
Admin subscribe/unsubscribe tool
We're giving event admins the power and responsibility to unsubscribe and resubscribe users with whom they are speaking who authorize these changes but do not want to/have the ability to make the update on their own.
Select domain at time of event creation
We're adding the ability to select the domain for your event (from a pre-defined list). This makes it possible to utilize a custom domain if you have purchased that feature and have it configured properly.
Remove (optional) text from non-required fields
We're removing the word (optional) from all non-required fields to clean up the registration form and encourage people to provide responses for those questions.
Track person context across pages
We'll start tracking the context of a person as they navigate your event microsite. This affects invitees who might have accepted the invitation and landed on the ticket page, only to navigate to the event home page, losing their accept status. This also sets us up for a future enhancement regarding invitations and where invitees land when accepting the invitation.
Custom question tags for email
We're adding custom registration questions as email tags! You can now utilize them in your email templates.
7 June, 2024
Clarify whose information is to be added during booking process
We're clarifying whose information is being added during the registration process to avoid confusion and preventing booker information from being added to the "your details" section of attendee details.
Edit temporary basket: Update temp basket summary on other pages
We're adding shortcut icons within the temporary basket (order amendment) to make it easier to add or remove things prior to confirming your changes.
Limit Discount Uses by ticket count & release discount usage counts on error/order abandonment
We're updating the timeout value when discounts are capacity restricted to use the registration timeout value so unused discounts aren't held from use for too long.
10 May, 2024
Limit discount uses by ticket count
We're releasing functionality to limit discount usage by ticket count; retaining the option to limit discount usage by order count.
You now have the option to limit the number of tickets to which a discount applies. Current functionality limits your discount 'capacity' to the number of orders, regardless of how many tickets are contained in each order.
Payment profiles
We're adding the ability to select a different payment gateway per event from your list of configured payment gateways.
Payment reference for Shuttle
We're updating the payment reference shown in reports when accepting credit card payments.
Make all SendGrid statistics viewable & downloadable
We're enhancing the viewable/downloadable statistics about email sends to facilitate investigation and resolution.
Show refund history in Orders grid
We're adding refund history, accessible from the Orders grid. Now you can see a list of all refunds applied against an order, both manually entered and triggered through credit card transactions on Eventsforce.
New booking flow journey
We're adding an option in groups mode to prioritize gathering attendee information over completing the sale of the ticket. A new, simplified interface will help you select the right options to suit your needs.
12 April, 2024
We're releasing refund functionality!
Add booker details to API
We're adding booker information to the attendees resource on the API. Please see apiary API documentation for full details.
AWS file hosting
We moved file hosting to AWS for better stability.
15 March 2024
Order update email to the booker and attendee
We're adding an email to the booker and attendee to confirm that changes have been made to their order.
Local time zone timestamps on reports
We're adding the local timezone stamp option to the ‘Orders audit (this event)’ report and the ‘Invoices and credit notes by date’ report.
16 February 2024
Restrict email tags from being added manually
We're eliminating confusion by making sure email tags are added via the provided menu rather than trying to type them in manually.
Paginated Orders grid
We're continuing to enhance the scalability of the Orders grid; adding sort features to help you organize the view of your Orders data.
Edit temporary basket
Another installment of work related to enhancing registrants' ability to make changes to their order in a temporary basket mode.
Reports data source - Orders
Adding Orders as a reporting data source. Custom reports based on orders can now be made.
Waitlist settings
We're moving the session waitlist settings to a new location to support upcoming ticket waitlist functionality. This move sets up a single place to manage both session and ticket waitlist settings.
19 January 2024
Customizable email template for latest invoice
We're releasing a customizable email template so you can trigger the latest invoice to your bookers. The template is editable, so feel free to brand it!
Local time zone timestamps on reports
We're utilizing the newly introduced preferred time zone on reports. Now, you can have your reports show the time stamp in your preferred time zone without converting from UTC.
Display system email preview
We are displaying the contents of all system emails. Now, you can preview the messages that your bookers and attendees will receive.
Canceled attendees (this event) report
We're updating the Canceled attendees report to show who canceled the booking, when it was canceled and what the value of the order is at the point it was canceled. Additionally, we're increasing the accuracy of per-attendee pricing by assigning the true value instead of dividing the order amount across all attendees.
New email template for updated orders to the event admin
We're introducing a new email for event admins to notify you when an order is updated. Instead of reusing the original notification email template, you will now have all pertinent information for order updates.
08 December 2023
API Expansion
We are expanding the API to include the ability to update information about invitees. Apiary documentation will reflect the new capabilities.
Updating temporary basket
We are improving the experience for when attendees are making changes to an existing order. Adding/removing tickets will be smoother and more logical.
Local time zone stamps on grids
Users will be able to select their time zones by navigating to Settings > My Details > Preferred time zone. Their selected time zone will be reflected on grid time stamps.
17 November 2023
API Expansion
We are expanding the API to include the ability to Post and Delete a list of invitees. Apiary documentation will reflect the new capabilities.
We also added a missing 'last modified' date to session information.
We are now returning relevant session display restrictions. If you have some sessions that are restricted to certain attendee categories, that information will be reflected in the response. No information present means that there are no restrictions. Refer to the API documentation for additional information.
Discount Management
You'll now have the ability to select whether your discounts are available for use or not. This removes the need to artificially add a capacity if you want to prohibit further use of your discount codes.
Please note that deactivating a discount may affect someone who is in the process of creating a new registration at the time that you deactivate the discount. An appropriate warning message is displayed to the event admin and the user.
Admin bookings
Admins can now create bookings for any ticket; hidden, date restricted, etc. as long as there is capacity. This can be done directly from the 'plus' button > Create New > Registration.
03 November 2023
API Expansion
We are expanding the API to include the ability to Get a list of invitees. This is the first in a longer list of upcoming additions as we expand our API functionality.
Website tools
We're making it more clear that a transparent background is being used for your website elements by disabling the color selection when transparent is selected.
We're adding the ability to add color to the background of multi-column layouts to provide consistency in how the webpage elements behave.
Reducing emails
We're combining the confirmation and cancellation emails to reduce redundancy and provide a better attendee experience.
Background Reporting
We're introducing background reporting so you can move on to do other things while your larger reports run. Come back to the Recent Reports page to find your completed report.
Email data tags
We're adding some data tags to help you create even more useful and custom emails; attendee category, ticket name, event start time and event end time are now available for use.
06 October 2023
Discount Codes
If you like to have a lot of discount codes in your event, or haven't take full advantage of the discount code functionality because you found it too difficult to create the discounts you need, then this update is for you!
Import a list of discount codes from a file. We have created an import template and the mechanism to import discount codes from a file. You can select either an absolute discount amount or percentage, but not both at the same time for a given discount code. Doing so will result in that record failing.
We're also allowing you to copy your discount codes from one event to another. If you have already taken the time to set your discounts up just the way you want, you can port them with you from now on.
US customers can now use us.eventsforce.net instead of uk.eventsforce.net.
Registration notification
We're expanding the info contained in the registration notification email to give a more detailed view of what has been booked. As always, you can log into your eventsforce account to check specifics. We hope this update will help you be efficient during your day.
AI generated text on homepage
If you're not a fan of the lorem ipsum placeholder text, this update will make you happy. We're integrating with chat GPT to give you the option of having AI generated content as a starting point for writing your homepage rather than the standard lorem ipsum. Enter some keywords or phrases and let AI make you a creative text block. You are free to skip AI altogether, edit what is returned or keep it like it is. Look for the keyword box when you create your event or make changes to date/time/venue, etc.
Send files in emails
You can now use the "link to file' merge tag when creating/editing email templates. Upload your file and send links out to your delegates so they can download at their convenience.
Filter agenda by speaker
We have added a speaker filter to the agenda so your delegates can quickly home in on the sessions they want to book. Use the speaker filter alone or in conjunction with the existing label filter.
15 September 2023
We've added a template filter and improved the search capability on the email history page so you can find the email you're looking for faster.
We've added so many filters to the Invitation List that we needed to make a way for you to collapse them and get some of your screen real estate back. Now you can do just that while still seeing which filters have been applied. Expand/contract as you wish!
Additional Booker Details
You can now collect more information from your bookers. Customize the Additional Booker Details page just like you would the Attendee Details page under Website > Contents.
Paged data grids
You may notice that we've been adding paged data grids to accommodate your larger events. We are continuing to improve this functionality by adding Excel exports and by retaining your selections after making updates to selected rows. Make sure you keep an eye on the filters you have applied as making changes may make your selected rows disappear from the current view.
Your bookers can now add a discount to their registration so long as there haven't been any payments made toward the booking.
API users will notice improved categorization of payments posted via the API; the reference appears on the updated invoice.
Speaking of invoice, you can now email out an updated invoice from the Orders page. Bulk selection rules apply so we don't send out invoices unnecessarily. We also respect your invoice settings, so make sure you have invoices set to send before trying to send one.
We have broken out the Invoice/Credit Note and Payment Receipt options so you can elect to send payment receipts to those that pay by card but maintain control over invoices by not sending them directly to delegates. Look for the new setting in System Settings.
25 August 2023
We've updated the way you import invitees by moving the import to the background. Your browser will no longer be tied up waiting for your list to import - you can continue to work on other things while your import loads and can come back later to check the status.
We're adding some columns to the Locations grid to give a better sense of how your event spaces are being utilized.
We have a couple of changes to email sending that go along with our upgrade to SendGrid.
We're enhancing the error message to indicate which domain(s) have been validated and are ready to use for email sending.
As a reminder, only validated domains (including noreply@eventsforce.net) can be utilized for sending email and this is not something that is directly updatable by you, the event planner.
We're adding a default "send from" email address so it doesn't need to be changed for every event. Set a generic company default so emails don't look like they come directly from the event admin if you prefer
04 August 2023
We've made some changes to the way you work with invitees.
We've added multi-select tools to the invitations page. This lets you select multiple rows and take multiple actions on those rows without needing to re-select them.
We've moved importing to the background. This means that your browser will be free to let you do other things while your large invitee lists import. You can come back later to check the status by using the tools menu drop-down.
We've added Attendee Category and Email Template selection when creating or editing invitees. This saves you time and hassle compared to the current method of editing the template and attendee category as separate transactions.
We’ve expanded your capabilities when displaying presenters on your event website. You can now select which presenters to show, and in which order. Separate your presenters by topic, by day, by location, etc. Enjoy this new functionality!
Create events from a template
Do you have someone new on staff? Do you want to make a new event (not copy) but don't want to start from scratch? You can now create an event from a template so all you have to do is change the existing values to suit your event or add/remove a little bit to complete your event. Maybe one of the templates will inspire you to create your best event yet!
We're making some changes to payment providers. Due to the growing complexity of managing multiple integrations with your preferred payment providers, we have teamed up with the global payment provider marketplace, Shuttle. You'll be able to select from a very long list of payment providers and will enjoy updated security features and timely updates. You will need to make a one-time change to your settings. An email will be coming to you soon with more details.
Admin emails
You can now have admin emails come to up to 5 different email addresses. Keep the entire team up to date or make sure that you have coverage while you're out of the office.
14 July 2023
Importing from a previous event
You can now import email templates and presenter profiles from a previous event. This will save you time and effort.
We’ve made a couple of interesting changes related to presenters in this release. First, you now have more control over which presenters display on your site and in which order. Adding presenters to your event site will let your audience know that you’ve assembled the best possible content for your event.
We also now allow bulk import of presenters into your event. This will save you a ton of typing and allow you to make multiple, simple edits to your presenter’s list in your spreadsheet prior to uploading it to Eventsforce.
23 June 2023
Add to calendar function in confirmation email
Registrants will now be able to add the event to their calendar directly from the link in their confirmation email. Google, Apple, Yahoo, Office365, Outlook.com and Outlook formats are supported.
Expanded reporting
You can now add booked days and attended days to your compatible reports.
You can also now run your large reports in the background. You can free up your browser and do other things while your report runs. Just go to Reporting > Recent to find the status of your report.
We also now restrict the amount of data that's returned in the browser for your reports. If there are fewer than 2,000 rows of data, you will not notice a change. If your report contains more than 2,000 rows of data, we will display the first 2,000 rows only. You can still export the complete results to Excel. This will make larger results sets easier for you to view without impacting your browser.
Hidden tickets are now included in ticket reporting.
You can now access attendee details and order information directly from Attendee and Order reporting. Just click the pencil button at the right end of the results row on your report and you'll be able to take action without navigating to the attendees or orders pages.
Group invitees can no longer proceed without providing required information
In Groups or Groups+ mode, invitees are now required to enter mandatory information prior to clicking the proceed button. This will prevent them from overlooking something important and being under the mistaken understanding that their booking is complete.
Outlook email improvements
We fixed some issues with the way emails display in Outlook. Odd scaling, incorrect alignment issues and button functionality have all been updated.
02 June 2023
Add background image to content area block
Another great addition to the website build tools, you can now add an image to the background of a text block. Add a logo, a city skyline or anything else that fits your theme, your brand or your artistic style.
Make Invitation List scalable
Part of the larger project to make the Invitation list handle larger numbers of invitees, this change ensures that bulk tool options apply only to search results, ensures that we have a filter for the Attendee Category, Invitation Status and timestamp range.
Countdown timer content type
You'll now be able to add a countdown timer to your event microsite. Create a sense of excitement as the event date approaches! We have 2 styles to choose from; a more static version and a flip-style that adds a bit of animation to your site and is reminiscent of the old alarm clock in your parents' or grandparents' (or a certain product manager's) guest bedroom.
Discount code; breaking the tie
Before now, your delegates might have attempted to complete their registration only to find that someone else had utilized the last remaining discount(s). We can now ensure that a discount code will be accepted through to the end of your registration journey so long as the registration is confirmed before the applicable timer expires.
Quickly identify unregistered invitees
We're adding a Registration Status filter to the Invitations grid to help you quickly narrow your search results.
Add recently used colors to background color modal
To enhance the recently released ability to add a background color to a text block when building a microsite, we now display a selection of recently used colors to the modal. This helps you stay on brand quickly by keeping your recently used colors on hand.
We're enhancing our Zapier app to include the address field for attendees.
Bug fixed
"Waiting list full" warning may display when waiting lists are off
This fix provides the correct message to the booker when a session has reached capacity. We now have proper behavior with or without waitlist enabled.
12 May 2023
Add a background color to a text block
You can now add even more styling to your event microsite by adding a color to the background of your text blocks.
Retain row selection after bulk action on Invitations grid
Your selected rows remain selected after taking actions on the Invitations grid. This means that you no longer have to re-select rows after changing the email template. Now, your selections remain and you can proceed directly to taking another action. For example, after changing the template you can immediately go to send the emails to the same selected rows.
System emails are now visible
The system sends some administrative emails on your behalf. Even though these emails are not currently able to be viewed or edited, you can see that they exist and will see the number of emails sent. This will give you a better idea of the volume of email that your invitees receive.
21 April 2023
Use temporary basket for amendments for invoice payments
We have now enforced a temporary basket for registration amendments that include tickets when paying by invoice. This change displays a timer to complete the payment and save the priced item amendment.
Background report notification
We have added an option to check back later when running a report. This change allows you to run a report in the background, and a notification email will be sent to the admin user who originally ran the report. The notification email will only be sent if the user has not viewed the report 5 minutes after completion.
Move Session import options to the Session creation button
We have moved the session import and import template options from the “tool” button to the “plus” button.
Add Number Sent column to System Emails
We have added a “number sent” column to all System Emails so you can see how many emails have been sent for each system email.
Show Recipients and Opened emails in Campaigns
We have added a feature to the Recipients and Opened columns in Campaigns so that they are now clickable. This allows the admin user to click on the number of recipients or number of opened emails to view the specific emails that have been sent or opened for that particular campaign.
Add Timeout setting for Registration
We have added a feature to allow admin users to change the timeout amount for registrations. The setting can be found in Setup > Event > Properties, under Registration Settings. The default value of 15 minutes can be adjusted only when you have tickets with capacity.
Add Image button to Website Content page
We have added an additional content button to allow upload of images to the website. This allows the admin user to upload images with an accessibility label and a hyperlink behind the image to either an internal or external page.
19 February 2023
Google Analytics - Payment, Navigation Content and User information
We have added further information to the GA4 integration. These data points convey user event information about purchases, discounts, user types, modals and buttons. This information helps pool marketing conversion data so it can be used to manage campaigns and user journeys.
Standard Button Styling
We have updated the standard button styling on process pages to match those on the Session Selection, Agenda and custom buttons.
Disable Sending of Invoices, Credit Notes and Receipts
We have added a switch to the System Settings page to disable the attaching of invoices, credit notes and receipts to Order emails. This enables these documents to be created in an external system using the Eventsforce public API.
29 January 2023
Agenda and Session Selection design update
We have updated the design of the Agenda in the event website and registration process. This includes optimising positioning of action buttons and the inclusion of icons for presenters and locations. Overall, the agenda utilises the available space in a more compact way.
Groups+ Attendees can select free sessions
Attendees within a group in Groups+ mode can now view the session selection page within the registration journey. They can now select free-to-attend sessions in an event with priced sessions. These prices sessions must be selected on their behalf by the group booker.
Admin registration notification email
We have updated content of this email, and included a link to your account login page.
Hidden package tickets
We have add the option to make Package tickets Hidden. Whilst package tickets cannot be used for individual invitees, they can be hidden from the Ticket Selection page, and made only available through Click-to-book links.
4 column layout website content
We have added an additional layout option to the Multi-column content type in the Website content editor. The four column layout gives four equal width columns of where content can be added.
Groups+ invitation preview
We have included a new option for the group booker to preview the content of the invitation they can sent to members of their group. This is found on the invitations screen when amending a group invitation in Groups+ mode.
18 December 2022
Purchase Order setting
We have added a new financial setting to require bookers to enter a purchase order number when requesting an invoice. Using the setting will require the entering of a value in the booker details modal. We have also included the value as a new column in the hardcoded report Invoices and credit notes by date.
Group booking Invitations page
We have updated the group invitations page to include more information and a resend function. Group bookers can be more selective about who and when they invite others to take up a ticket in their booking.
Renaming columns in Insight Templates
We have added the option to rename columns in the output of a custom report. The value overrides that of the name in reports, and enables easier importing of data into other systems.
Location and Presenter pages
We have added a delete function to the pages Locations and Presenters. Deleting a presenter or a location will remove their association with any sessions.
Invitation List Import
We have changed the way data imported with an invitee is handled after registration. We will now clear data that does not make up the answers to visible or admin-only questions at the point of registration. If imported data is due to be used as a meta-property of the attendee, the corresponding question must be an admin-only question for the attendee’s category.
Sessions Import
We have extended the sessions importer to include columns for Day, Location and Capacity.
27th November 2022
Custom Insights and Reports
We are changing the way reporting works in Groups and Ticketing. We have renamed the page Reports to Insight Templates. Alongside the system reports we have added the ability to create custom insights in your account. These templates allow the filtering and output of data from your attendees and events.
16th October 2022
Group booking setting
We have introduced a new way of selecting the event type. On the Event Properties page there is now a new control, infographic and mode description. The default for newly created events is the Groups+ option that enables group organisers to invite their people to fill out their form.
Add a Google Map
We have extended the website functionality by adding a new content type Google Map. This accepts a standard Google Maps embed code. There are controls for size and alignment which override the standard settings from Google.
Buttons linking to internal pages
We have enabled a custom button to be linked to an internal page.
Custom Website Scripts
We have added the ability to add custom Javascript to the event website. This can be used by developers to activate compatible third-party tools within the microsite.
25th September 2022
Prices without tax
We have introduced for the US market the ability to display all prices without tax. Tax is only added at the checkout. This is an account default setting, but changeable on each event up until a price is set up.
Two-level menus
We have extending the website functionality by adding a second tier to the microsite menu. This additional navigation layer enables more pages to be linked from the website menu.
Dates written out in full
We have improving the way dates are displayed in the website and emails. We are no longer using numerical-only date formats but instead inserting day and month names. Date formats set in the website settings will continue to set the date numeral before or after the month value.
Force payment on amendment in Pay Now mode
We have activated a change to how amendments are handled in paid-for events. When amending an order, payment must be received in order to confirm the addition of paid-for items. These can be tickets, linked item tickets or sessions. Free items are added immediately. If paid-for items are removed as part of the same transaction only the outstanding balance is required.
Open links in your WordPress website
We have released a new Eventsforce WordPress plugin. Version 1.2 now opens all Eventsforce links within the parent WordPress website. A URL is required on the Website Settings page in order for all links to point to the WordPress website.
4th September 2022
Registration timer change
We have made a change to the registration timer. In events where there are no capacities on the event, tickets or sessions we are no longer displaying the timer. If the order is not completed within two hours, the system will reset.
In events with set capacities, initial registration must be completed within 15 minutes.
Action button styles
We have added to the content type ‘button’ additional styling options. These options change the look and size of the button.
14th August 2022
Add content to the Invitations and Confirmation pages
It is now possible to add content blocks to the Invitations page (top) and Confirmation page (bottom) within the event microsite.
Action button
We have added the content type ‘button’ to the website editor. This enables the placement of an action button within the microsite and for it to take the website button styling.
New Kiosk badge size
We have added a new kiosk badge size to the on-site kiosk. This badge is 4” x 3” and allows 5 lines of content and a QR code.
New Kiosk version 1.1.5
We have released a new version of the ‘EF Kiosk’ iPadOS app. Version 1.1.5 includes new test badges and a new 30 second minimum data sync time allowing newly registered or updated attendees to proceed more to quickly to check-in. The previous minimum data sync time was 60 seconds.
24th July 2022
Website Logo
It is now possible to add a brand logo to the event website. Combined with a clickthrough link enables visitors to journey to your main brand website.
Multi-column content
We have added a new content type “multi-column” when editing the event microsite. These add structure to your website and enable improved content layout on narrow-screen devices.
Booked Sessions report
We have added a new Groups & Ticketing hardcoded report "Booked Sessions (this event)". This combines session bookings with attendee data. Each row represents a session booking. Individual attendees can be repeated in multiple rows.
View and order with payments
We have added a tool to the Orders page. This displays the order details including all payments made against that order.
We have improved the way event microsite URLs are displayed on social media and other platforms by offering an ‘unfurled’ preview of the main website properties.
3rd July 2022
Admin Portal Login page
We have updated the login pages for the Admin Portal to incorporate a new look. This is also extended to some system admin emails and website footers.
12th June 2022
Website Favicon
You can now upload and crop an image to use as a website favicon. That is the small square image displayed in the browser tab and often used when sharing a link.
Email Presenters
Email Session Presenters
It is now possible to email presenters from the Presenter grid using an email template. Tags that are not specific to Orders or Attendees can be included in the content.
Order reference on the Summary page
We have adde the order reference to the Order Summary page. This enables the booker to reference her order whilst viewing or editing her order.
Adding tickets to Attendees using the API
We have added the ability for external systems to trigger the adding of tickets to an Attendee in an order via the API. The change also triggers the order update email and can cause an order to have an unpaid total.
Menu changes
We have simplified the admin portal menu and removed the Design > Appearance page from Groups & Ticketing. The functionality is now all included on the Website > Contents page.
Ticket visibility
We have changed the second setting on the ticket details page to better reflect how the ticket is made visible. The three options do exactly the same thing, but reflect the addition of linked item tickets and click-to-book links
Editing Kiosk banner images
We are adding the ability to upload any image size and crop it for the banner and footer images in the On-site Kiosk
Base URL for API access
We have included on the User Details page the base URL for your account. This value is needed when building integrations through Zapier or our Public API.
22nd May 2022
Linked Item Tickets
We have added the ability to link alternatives in dropdown questions to item tickets. Bookers can select these to add the linked item ticket to their booking. Attendees in group bookings must contact their group organizer to add these to their registration.
Appearance settings
We have moved the appearance settings to website contents sidebar. Any changes can be seen directly on the current website page that is being edited.
Edit session times after booking
We have removed some restrictions on sessions after they have been booked. The session start and end times and event day can be changed even after booking. Attendees can end up with booked session that now overlap, but if changed the blocking of booking concurrent sessions are then enforced.
1st May 2022
Session Waiting lists
We have released a feature to automatically manage waiting lists on sessions. They system will offer the option for users to select a place on the waiting list of each session that has exhausted capacity. When new capacity becomes available, this is automatically offered to the first people on the waiting list. The waiting list order can be managed, and the size the list limited.
Suppress Order Update Emails
We have changed the way order update emails are triggered. If the order change doesn’t update the price of the order, the changes are batched into one email and sent out 20 minutes after the last change. This prevents multiple emails being set to the booker when they or group attendees are making multiple changes to the one order.
Website appearance settings
We have added the appearance settings to the side menu in the Website contents page.
Click-to-book links for invitation-only tickets
We have extended the click-to-book links to work for invitation-only tickets. This enables the link to work for tickets that are not displayed in the ticket selection page.
10th April 2022
Change ticket tool
We have added to the new tool for event organisers to change the ticket for an attendee registered in package ticket. This includes changing an attendee to be part of a new package ticket
Attendee completed status for bookers
We have added a visual indicator to the attendees in a group booking to identify which people in a group have incomplete data.
20th March 2022
Change ticket tool
We have added a new tool for event organisers to change the ticket of an attendee registered in an event. From the Attendees page a single attendee can be moved into a new ticket type.
Read-only multiple choice and number questions
We have extended the ability to set read-only values to include the Multiple Choice and Number question types. This enables values to be set and locked for attendee categories or for invitees.
Rename and change behaviour of pre-populate answer in X5
We have renamed the pre-populate feature for question answers to ‘Default’. This more accurately reflects the more nuanced behaviour when using this feature. The system will now no longer replace a back the default answer if the value has been changed.
Bulk add/change session capacities
We have added the tool to add or change session capacities from the Sessions page. This can be done by selecting multiple rows and setting a new capacity with the Change Capacity tool. This bulk tool can also be used to stop bookings on the selected sessions.
27th February 2022
Click-to-book links
We have added a new route to book a specific ticket type. The click-to-book link is a URL specific to each ticket type. Alongside other ticket settings, these links can be used to direct customers to register in that ticket or package.
Event banner and presenter profile picture editing
We have added the ability to edit uploaded images. In both the event properties and on the session presenters pages the uploaded images can be both cropped and zoomed. This non-destructive editing ensures that the resulting image will fit the constraints of each context.
Venue Name
We added a new property to the Event Properties page. ‘Venue Name’ is an optional single-line text input and is available on the API in the Events resource.
Import multi-checkbox values
We have extended the invitee and attendee file importer to include multi-checkbox values. These values must be in a single cell separated by a pipe/vertical bar character - “|”.
Bulk apply labels to sessions
We have added a bulk action tool to the Sessions page to apply/remove one or more labels to a selection of sessions.
6th February 2022
Importing invitee information
We have changed the import template to allow the importing of registration question data for invitees. This enables the pre-population of most question types in the attendee details page.
Marking attendance for sessions
We have changed the recording of session attendance. We now allow this information to be captured for sessions that don't require booking, and, also for those that didn't book the session (walk-ins).
16th January 2022
EF Attendance app v2.2
We have changed the Eventsforce iOS app EF Attendance to work solely with event Admin QR codes. We have removed the events list and manual API input to improve security and usability.
Read-only questions
We added an option to most question types to have a read-only value set. This enables a set value for an attendee category or for a parent of dependent questions.
14th November 2021
Limit total number of attendees in a group
We have added a limit of 250 attendees in a group booking. This includes attendees in package tickets. This is also in addition to the limit of 100 ticket per ticket type.
24th October 2021
Offer invoicing rather than card payments
We have added the feature to offer the booker the option to request an invoice rather than requiring a card payment on initial registration. If you are running a paid event, on the financial settings page you can set this feature to offer the option of request an invoice, pay by card, or select from either.
Visible countdown timer when first registering
We have added to the initial registration experience a visible countdown timer. People booking ticket must complete their initial registration within the fixed time period of 15 minutes.
Import registrations
We have added a tool to the Attendees page to bulk import registrations. Attendees and their registration data can be imported into the event as single bookings. Using the import template and selecting a single person ticket for them. The importer is limited to 100 attendees at a time. No emails are automatically sent out on registration.
Browser Incompatibility warning
We have added a user warning message if a user attempts to access the event website or a registration with an incompatible browser. This increases security and prevents the user from getting an incomplete or broken experience.
3rd October 2021
Enter manual payments
We have added a new tool to the Orders page to process payments made outside of the card gateway Stripe. This tool can also be used to update Eventsforce of any refunds that have been issued. These are in the form of a negative payment.
Adding Discounts in the checkout + add tickets modal
We have added the ability for the booker to apply a discount after selecting tickets or when adding new tickets. It is only possible to use single discount code on each booking.
Bulk apply discounts to tickets
On the Admin Portal tickets page we have added the tool to bulk apply discounts to tickets. One or more discounts can be applied or removed from the selected tickets.
12th September 2021
Add YouTube videos to Decline page
It is now possible to add YouTube videos to the invitations Decline page.
Add "Ticket name" in Attendance Settings
It is now possible to add and therefore display the attendee’s ticket name within the EF Attendance app.
New Questions default to being Personally Identifiable Information
We have made all non-system questions added on the Attendee Details page default to being PII (Personally Identifiable Information). This can be overridden with the GDPR Administrator role function. Data from questions with this setting active is included in scheduled, individual and event anonymization.
Add attendee’s title into emails
We have added the merge tag “{{title}}” to the email editor. Any value entered for this system question will be merged into the email contents where this tag is used.
22nd August 2021
Progress indicators when booking a group
We have added a new design element to the initial registration when booking groups. The progress indicator reflects the innovative purchase first - names later registration journey. This is not shown in single booking or when amending a registration.
Import invitees from another event
We have made it possible to import people into the invitation list from another event.
Add email sending to the Attendance grids
It is now possible to send emails to attendees in an event based on which days or sessions they did or did not attend.
Add filters to Attendance>Days to work for walk-ins
We have added a new filter to the find walk-ins on difference days. This can be found on the Attendance > Days page.
Add modal views to Google Analytics
We now include modal views in the information made available to Google Analytics.
View or download the invoice from the invoice report
We have extended the hardcoded report of Invoices and credit notes by date to enable the downloading of the invoice/credit note/purchase receipt.
Search for an invoice
We have added the ability to search for an order by an invoice number. The invoice, credit note or purchase receipt number will find the order associated with it.
New chart Revenue Growth (All Events)
We have added a new chart to give an overview of revenue across all events.
1st August 2021
Email History page
We have added a new page to view sent emails and their contents. The Email History page is now available to all clients and includes event and date range filters. Emails are ordered with newest at the top.
Editing answer alternatives
It is now possible to edit answer alternatives in your event. Any registered attendees who had the original value will be updated to have the new value.
Invitees and groups
We are now preventing invitees from adding other attendees to their booking, and therefore creating a group. However, group bookings are still possible in the same event through the website ticket widget.
Declining an invitation
For new events we now offer the ability for the invitee to decline an invitation. There are updated invitation templates that include the new Decline button and link. If the invitee selects the decline button they are taken to a the Decline website page, where they can select the "Decline Invite" button to confirm their action. Declined invitees cannot be registered, emailed or removed from the invitation list.
Cancel order confirmation emails
We have a new System Email - Order cancellation confirmation. If active, this is sent out to the booker when the whole order is canceled by the event organizer. We have also added the new System Email - Registration cancellation notification. If active, this is sent out when an order is canceled or when an attendee is removed from a group booking. It is only sent to attendees that have previously been sent the email -Registration confirmation.
Canceled Attendees Report
We have a new report - Canceled Attendees (this event). This lists the attendees that have been removed from orders and those that were part of canceled orders.
Youtube video preview
We have removed the Youtube video player preview in the website editor. It is now possible to see the video content using the website preview only.
11th July 2021
Adding your agenda to a WordPress website
We have added a new shortcode to allow the publishing of the public agenda to a page on a WordPress website.
Audit of changes to orders
We have added a new report Orders Audit (this event). This gives a log of changes to orders.
20th June 2021
Cancel order tool
We are now allowing the cancelling of whole orders from the Orders page. This cancels all the attendees in the group, and marks the booking as an overpayment if any money has been paid.
Editing Invitees details
It is now possible to edit the basic information of an invitee on the invitation list page up to the point they register.
Copying email templates
We have added a tool to duplicate email templates on the Email templates page