Event managers can customize the identity of the event website by adding a website favicon and a website logo with a click-through URL.
Adding a website favicon
A website favicon is a great way to boost online branding and is an immediate visual marker to identify your site. Event managers can upload and edit their image to be used as the website favicon for that event.
To add a website favicon, take the following steps:
Go to Website > Content
Click the "Site Identity" dropdown
Under "Site icon," choose to upload an image
Click "Edit" to crop the uploaded image to the required size
Note: The image file type must be PNG and 32x32px minimum.
Adding a website logo
A brand logo can also be added to the website to customize the site further, and combined with a clickthrough link, it enables visitors to journey to the main brand website.
To add a website logo, take the following steps:
Go to Website > Content
Click the "Site Identity" dropdown
Under "Website logo," choose to upload an image
Click "Edit" to crop the uploaded image to the required size
Add a "Click-through URL"
Note: The image file type must be PNG and 120x75px minimum.