Event managers can change the ticket of an attendee from the one that has been booked to another ticket within the event. Read the common scenarios below to discover how different ticket types are affected.
This article will cover:
How to change a ticket
To change a ticket for an attendee, take the following steps:
Go to People > Attendees
Use the Attendee grid filters to easily locate the attendee whose ticket needs to be changed.
Select the attendee by clicking on the appropriate name.
Click the Spanner
Select “Change Ticket”
Use the dropdown to select a new ticket for the attendee
Common scenarios
Changing an attendee ticket from one free ticket to another free ticket.
Results: The original ticket, any booked sessions and/or linked item tickets will be removed. Relevant attendee data will be transferred to the new ticket.
Changing an attendee ticket from a free ticket to a paid ticket.
Results: The same as above; however, the additional cost of the new ticket will be added to the order.
Changing a ticket that had a discount code applied.
Results: If the discount code also applies to the new ticket, it will be automatically applied to the new ticket and reduce the ticket cost by the discount amount.
Changing a package ticket.
Results: The original package ticket will remain in the order, and the new package ticket will be added to the order. The selected attendee will be transferred to the new package ticket. If there are different attendee tickets in the new package ticket, the event manager has to choose which attendee ticket to transfer the attendee data.
Changing a ticket that has a Minimum capacity.
Results: It is not possible to change a ticket where there is a minimum capacity set for a ticket.
Changing a ticket to a hidden ticket.
Results: Original tickets cannot be changed to hidden tickets. Hidden tickets are unavailable in the drop down list when changing a ticket.
Note: The booker will receive another Order Confirmation email with a link to manage their booking when a ticket is changed.