How to access your Mobile Content Manager (MCM)

Learn how to access the MCM to configure your Eventsforce mobile app.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over a week ago

The mobile content manager or MCM is the web-based tool for you to create and manage your event app.

Logging in to the MCM

To log in to the MCM, go to in a new browser window and enter your username and password.

Note: If this is the first time you are logging in, we highly recommend that you change your password by clicking on the padlock icon on the top-right of the MCM landing page.

Adding a new user

It is best practice for each user to have their own account to access the MCM. Take the below steps to add another user:

  1. Click on the silhouette icon on the top right of the MCM landing page

  2. Click on the “+” icon in the 'Users Information' section

  3. Complete the required fields and click "Save"

  4. An email will be automatically sent to the new user containing the login URL and their access details

Removing an MCM user

To remove a user, navigate to the 'Users Information' section as above and click on the red cross icon next to the user’s name. You will be asked to confirm the action.

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