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How to set up Stripe SCA

Learn how to set up the new version of Stripe that meets PSD2 regulations.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over 2 years ago

In an effort to meet PSD2 regulations enforced by the European Commission, we’ve added a new version of the Stripe payment gateway called “Stripe SCA”. 

Stripe SCA is the latest generation of payment gateway, enabling both secure transactions and the adoption of two factor authentication. Unlike the previous version of the gateway, card details are captured within an area on the basket page. If the card issuer requires two factor authentication, this is displayed in a popup. 

In live mode, Stripe dynamically determines when a particular transaction requires authentication based on regional regulations such as “Strong Customer Authentication”.

This article will cover the following:

Obtaining credentials in Stripe SCA

To connect your Stripe account to Eventsforce you will need a “Publishable key” and a “Secret key”. You can get these keys by taking the steps below:

  1. Log into your Stripe account as a user with Administrator permissions

  2. Select “Developers” on the left hand side

  3. Select “API Keys” under ‘Developers’ on the left hand side

  4. Make note of the “Publishable key” (to be used later)

  5. Click “Reveal live key token” to display the “Secret key” (to be used later)

Note: The “Secret key” is secure and should be treated like a password. You also have the option to “Roll key…” which generates a new key, rendering the previous key invalid. Be sure to update Eventsforce if “Roll key…” is ever used.

Eventsforce setup and configuration

Once you’ve retrieved your credentials, log into Eventsforce and select the event that you want to collect online payments for and follow the steps below:

  1. Go to Setup > Event > Properties

  2. Select “Paid” in the ‘Options’ panel and click “Save”

  3. Go to Setup > Finance > Payment Methods

  4. Select the radio button for "Stripe SCA"

  5. Click “Save” (this displays the fields for Stripe credentials)

  6. Paste the test ”Publishable key” and “Secret key” into the corresponding fields in Eventsforce

  7. In the "Organisation name:" field, enter the name you want to appear to the user on the Stripe page (the name of the event is displayed by default)

  8. Click “Save”

Creating a test registration

Once the test credentials have been added, we recommend creating a test registration to ensure Stripe is now linked to your Eventsforce event. Follow the steps below:

  1. Click the “Preview and test event website” icon

  2. When you reach the basket page, select “Credit card” as your payment method

  3. Click the "Pay Now" (if a payment details page is used, the button on the basket page will be "Proceed" and the button on the payment details page will be "Pay Now")

  4. The secure Stripe form will appear as a prompt to enter card details

  5. Enter the test card details into the form

  6. Click the "Pay" button

Note: You should test multiple scenarios with test card credentials provided by Stripe, including successful and unsuccessful payments to ensure that you are getting the expected results (example: check that the automatic card payment acceptance and failure emails in Eventsforce are sending if active)

Possible outcomes

  • User does not complete the Stripe form and closes the form or the browser window; their registration will not be completed and will therefore not be added to the Eventsforce database as a registration.

  • User's card is declined; a message will be displayed to the user and Stripe will not process the payment.

  • A user enters incorrect card details; Stripe will not process the payment and the field with the incorrect value will be highlighted.

Activating live Stripe SCA account

Once all testing is complete, the last step is to “activate your account”, converting your “Test” Stripe account to a “Live” Stripe account. Follow the steps below to activate your account:

  1. Log into Stripe

  2. Select “Activate your account” on the top left

  3. Enter your business information, personal information, and bank details as required by Stripe

  4. Once your account is “Live”, replace the current test Stripe credentials in Eventsforce with your live “Publishable key” and “Secret key”

Stripe SCA metadata

Eventsforce passes over certain metadata to Stripe for each payment. The following metadata is included with each payment automatically:

  • Event name

  • Event ID

  • Account name

  • Registration reference

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