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Emails in Eventsforce Groups & Ticketing
Emails in Eventsforce Groups & Ticketing

Learn how emails are used in Eventsforce Groups & Ticketing.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over a year ago

Within Eventsforce, there are five pages related to emails that an event manager can access:

  • Templates = list of custom emails that can be sent to any booker and/or attendee, also used for invitation emails

  • System emails = list of emails sent automatically from Eventsforce based on attendee action

  • History = list of all emails sent from Eventsforce with the ability to view email content and resend emails to the same email address

  • Campaigns = view the details of sent email campaigns

  • Settings = update the sender email address and display name

What are email templates?

Email templates are custom emails that can be created by the event manager and sent to bookers/attendees/invitees. The Eventsforce system sends "Template" emails based on triggering events committed by an event manager.

Three email templates are created by default for every new event —Invitation, Invitation Reminder, and Joining Instructions. Event managers should use the Templates page to create their:

  • Invitation email(s) - create an email for each attendee category if needed

  • Custom emails - emails that can be sent leading up to or during the event

  • Joining instructions - emails that can help attendees join an event

  • Reminder email - create an email for each category if needed

Note: For more information on creating and sending invitation emails, please see our support article “Creating and sending invitation emails

What are system emails?

System emails are sent automatically based on an attendee/booker action. This includes the “Order confirmation” email sent to the bookers and the “Registration confirmation” email sent to attendees.

All system emails are displayed and visible here, even if they are non-editable and unable to be disabled. A lock icon indicates non-editable emails. Editable emails have a clickable edit icon.

Use the ‘Number Sent’ column to view the number of times the system has sent the email.

The following system emails will exist in the event by default:

Click here to open a list of system emails with descriptions

Access request (non-editable): When a booker requests access to their booking, they receive this email with their ticket name, order reference, booker name and links to their order and registration. When the event is in Groups + mode, if an attendee requests access, they will get an invitation link to complete their details. The invitation link will not work for an attendee if the event is in Groups mode.

Capacity Notification (non-editable): This is sent to an event administrator when a ticket or session reaches 90% or 100% capacity and includes a list of items with their capacity levels. This email can be activated or deactivated on the Email > Settings page

Invitation to complete details (non-editable): This email is sent in Groups + mode. When a booker invites an attendee and adds the attendee email, this email is sent to attendees. The email contains a link for attendees to complete their registration details.

Latest invoice (editable): This email is sent to the booker when there is an invoice for an event registration. The email contains the Event name and date, an order reference, order date and a ‘View Order Summary’ button.

Order cancellation confirmation (editable): This is the cancellation email sent to the booker, which includes an order reference and order date.

Order cancellation notification (non-editable): This is a notification email sent to the Event administrator when an order is canceled. This email contains the Event, booker and order information, as well as the payment status and if there is an outstanding amount.

Order confirmation (editable): This is the confirmation email sent to the booker after the initial registration completion. It is also sent after order updates, like adding or removing tickets. This email contains a link to amend the booking (if allowed) and a PDF of the invoice, receipt, or credit note for paid events.

Order notification (non-editable): This is the confirmation email sent to the Event administrator after a registration completion. The email includes Event, booker, order and payment information.

Order update confirmation - Booker (editable): This email is sent to the Booker when an order has been changed. This email contains an order reference, date, and a link to manage the order.

Order update notification - Event administrator (non-editable): This email is sent to the Event administrator when an order has been changed. The email includes Event, booker, order and payment information.

Registration cancellation notification (editable): This is the cancellation confirmation sent to the attendee. It is only sent if the attendee has all values entered for mandatory fields. The email confirms that the attendee’s ticket number is no longer valid and provides a link to book another ticket if needed.

Registration confirmation (editable): This is a confirmation email sent to the attendee, which shows the attendee details and contains a link to make changes (if allowed). This confirmation will only be sent when all required fields for the attendee have been filled. If the booker is also an attendee, they will receive a registration confirmation email with the invoice attached, if applicable.

Registration notification (non-editable): This email is sent to the event administrator each time someone registers and includes basic details of the attendee. This email can be activated or deactivated on the Email > Settings page.

Ticket email address duplicated (non-editable): This email is only sent if the VCD Integration is turned on. To turn on this integration, navigate to Setup > Event > Properties - VCD Integration. Once the integration is on, this email is sent to an attendee if their email address has been associated with multiple tickets, as their access requires a unique email address for each ticket. This email contains a link for the attendee to resolve this issue.

Waiting list offer accept confirmation - Attendee (non-editable): This email is sent to the attendee to confirm they have successfully accepted a waiting list offer and contains the session and event name.

Waiting list offer accept confirmation - Attendee (accepted by booker) (non-editable): This email is sent to the attendee to confirm their booker has successfully accepted a waiting list offer on their behalf. This email contains the session and event name.

Waiting list offer accept confirmation - Booker (non-editable): This email is sent to the booker to confirm they have accepted a waiting list offer on behalf of an attendee. This email contains the session, event and attendee name.

Waiting list offer accept confirmation - Booker (accepted by attendee) (non-editable): This email is sent to the booker when an attendee accepts a waiting list offer. This email contains the attendee, event, and session names.

Waiting list offer attendee (non-editable): This email is sent to notify an attendee when a space becomes available for a session they were waitlisted for. The email contains ‘Accept Offer’ and ‘Decline Offer’ buttons and the offer's expiration date.

Waiting list offer booker (non-editable): This email is sent to notify a booker when a space becomes available for a session their attendee was waitlisted for. The email contains ‘Accept Offer’ and ‘Decline Offer’ buttons and the offer's expiration date.

Waiting list offer decline confirmation - Attendee (non-editable): This email is sent to an attendee when they decline a waiting list offer. This email contains the event and session name.

Waiting list offer decline confirmation - Attendee (declined by booker) (non-editable): This email is sent to an attendee when their booker declines a waiting list offer on their behalf. This email contains the event and session name.

Waiting list offer decline confirmation - Booker (non-editable): This email is sent to the booker when they successfully decline a spot in a waiting list session on behalf of an attendee. This email contains the event and session name.

Waiting list offer decline confirmation - Booker (declined by attendee) (non-editable): This email is sent to a booker when an attendee successfully declines a spot in a waiting list session. This email contains the event and session name.

Viewing email history

The email history shows all emails sent from an Eventsforce event and can be adjusted to view all emails sent across all events. The event manager can adjust the ‘Search and Filter’ settings to filter by date range and/or search by recipient email, name, or subject (uses “starts with” search).

To view the email content, double-click an email row, use the “eye” icon on the right-hand side or select the "spanner" icon and click "View". The links within an email can be selected for testing purposes.

Select the "spanner" icon and click "Resend" to resend the email to the same email address.

Note: The “Created at” date/time refers to the date/time the email was queued for delivery. However, the email may have been sent at a slightly later date/time, depending on the Eventsforce email queue.

Viewing email campaigns

The ‘Campaigns’ page will show a history of all email blasts sent from the Eventsforce event. An email campaign is an email blast sent to one or more recipients.

Each sent email campaign will show information such as email name, subject, created by, date created, date sent, number of recipients, and open rate. Event managers can click on the number of recipients and the number opened to view those specific recipients.

Note: The “opened” total may not be 100% accurate as not all email recipients send a read receipt back to Eventsforce. This will depend on the recipient’s email settings.

Adjusting email settings

Eventsforce gives event managers an easy way to change the sender address for their event emails, customize a display name to be shown alongside the email address, and choose the recipients of event administrator emails (multiple emails, comma separated).

Event managers can receive order notification emails when there is a new order. Additionally, capacity notifications are available as an alert for when changes are made to an already configured capacity.

These settings, including the sender's email address and name, can be changed by going to Emails > Settings.

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