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Virtual Content Delivery, App Website and EF Mobile App Updates
Kim de Vries avatar
Written by Kim de Vries
Updated over a week ago

October 31 2023

We released several fixes today:

  • Exhibitor logos will display correctly within their space even if they are very large

  • iOS instance of compressed text on initial app login is resolved

  • Intermittent issues with QR code exports have been permanently resolved

October 4 2023 - Broadcast Message Limit Fix

We fixed an issue where broadcast messages were not respecting session filtering for recipients.

September 13 2023 - Bug Fix For User Images on Social Wall

We released a hotfix for an issue with user posted images not displaying on the native app social wall for Android and iOS.

August 30, 2023 - Google Analytics 4

We have updated our system to use Google Analytics 4 from Google Universal Analytics. The analytics now reflect GA4 results, which have given us additional tools to get better stats from the two native apps. Please note that Universal Analytics results are not a one to one match with GA4, and are not directly comparable. If you have any questions about the change in your stats, please let us know.

August 16, 2023 - iOS Native App Button Visibility

We have resolved a bug that was allowing users to see buttons that had been hidden.

July 17, 2023 - Android 13 Updates

We have updated the Android native app to Android 13 native. As part of this update, we have added additional user consent modals for push notifications and granular audio, video, and photo permissions.

July 11, 2023 - Abstract Data Imports

We have updated our data import from registration for abstracts to fix for the following needs:

  • When a time is assigned to an abstract, it will display in chronological order on the associated session

  • When an abstract has an assigned time, it will display the start and end times within the session

  • When an abstract has an assigned time, the presenting authors will show on the abstract as speakers

We also resolved a bug that impacted presenting authors who were not the abstract submitter were not correctly associating.

June 29, 2023 - Hotfix for Virtual Meetings

We resolved a bug with virtual meetings using to restore normal use.

June 7, 2023 - Additional Security On User Loaded Assets

We added additional authorization for access to user loaded files.

April 24, 2023 - Additional Dynamic Header Fixes for iOS 16.1+

Additional fixes added to manage special characters for dynamically generated headers in iOS 16.1+. The newest version of the app is now 33.6.0. We strongly recommend that all users update their apps.

April 3, 2023 - Exhibitor Portal Theme Bug

Theming Update Bug

Issue with custom themes for the exhibitor portal displaying correctly was resolved. Changes made to the exhibitor portal theme now display immediately on the front end as expected.

March 25, 2023 - Demo Data, Theming Bug, Exhibitor Logo Update

Default Demo Data

Default Session data now uses 2025.

Update Exhibitor Logos for Clarity on Larger Device Screens

We have increased the size we use for exhibitor logos from 150px square to 300px square for better clarity on modern mobile devices. This change will be in place for all new exhibitor logos loaded from this point forward, but will not affect previously loaded exhibitor logos.

Theming Update Bug

Issue with custom themes displaying correctly was resolved. Changes made to the site theme now display immediately on the front end as expected.

January 4, 2023 - Session Icon Alignment

We implemented a universal fix to a bug that was causing some events to see session icons to appear unaligned on the left hand side.

January 2, 2023 - Streamlining Shared Content Server

We implemented a new streamlined server for managing shared content like themes, assets, and image uploads.

November 29, 2022 - iOS 16.1+ Crash on Attendee/Exhibitor/Abstracts Page Resolved

This deploy updated our iOS app to 33.5.1 and resolved an crashing issue introduced by iOS 16.1.

Bug Details:

When a user views attendees, exhibitors, abstracts, speakers, or sponsors, the pages dynamically create headers to organize that content. This might be the first letter of last names or company names, or users could use the filter functionality for additional orders that would generate additional dynamic headers (such as state, country, first name, etc.) The crash was caused by a change in iOS 16.1 when there were more than a handful of dynamically generated headers and took users back to their home screen.

This issue is now resolved by the app release of 33.5.1. Users on a previous app version using iOS 16.1+ are strongly encouraged to update.

November 10, 2022 - Password Bypass option For In Person Events

This feature allows in person events to engage the password bypass option that is used for Virtual only events. When turned on, this feature allows users to log in directly via emailed link without having to set up a password. As with virtual password bypass, this feature requires users to be registered in Eventsforce, and will not work with third party registration systems.

October 14, 2022 - Time and Date Format

The time and date format customization had been deprecated in our system. We have reinstated this functionality for In Person and Hybrid events only.

August 25, 2022 - Grid View Updates

We have updated the grid view option to make session tracks visually clearer.


Tracks are used to gather groups of like sessions, much the same way that membership types are used for attendees. Tracks are not equivalent to tags or labels as a session can only belong to one track at a time. Tracks are usually used to identify a specific segment of a conference, for example: if the conference is for education, you might have an elementary school track, a middle school track, and a high school track, as well as general sessions. Sessions in the elementary track would be of particular interest to educators involved with that age group. You might also have a virtual track and an in person track if your conference is hybrid, to separate any sessions that are specifically one or the other. Tracks also work as a way to filter sessions, as well as color coding them on the app.

The grid view is a way of viewing sessions on a calendar grid, and is particularly useful for viewing sessions in tracks. Using the grid view, you see one row of calendar items per track, color coded based on the color associated with the track:

Using the grid view allows a user to scroll through the sessions in each track and time slot for a better visual representation of the simultaneous topics. Clicking on a session will still take you to the details for that session, while hovering over it will expand it to show any information that is cut off by the length of the session in the view.

If your conference is virtual or hybrid, both time zones will display on the items in the grid view the same way that they do on the agenda page. These time zones are the time zone set in the conference settings and the time zone the browser is reporting the user’s computer is in.

The grid view is not available on mobile, but track color coding will show on the agenda page.

July 5, 2022 - Android Update to Use Android 12 SDK

The Android app is updated to Google's new requirement to use Android 12 SDK.

May 4, 2022 - iOS Bug Fix for Autofill Covering Email Sign In Field

Some users were experiencing an issue after recent iOS updates in which the autofill text box associated with the native keyboard would cover the email field on the login screen when signing into the app. The fix for this issue was deployed on May 4, and existing affected apps will be updated to the new version (33.2.5) as required to reflect the change.

Apr. 4, 2022 - Time Zone Localization for Virtual and Hybrid Conferences

We are pleased to announce the display of localized time zones for virtual and hybrid conferences. This update adds an additional time display to all sessions and meetings based on the local time zone of the machine accessing the site.

  • This change only affects hybrid and virtual conferences

  • This change does not affect the app as the app use case is on site, in person

Schedules will now display both time zones:

When scheduling a meeting, the user can select which time zone they wish to see times in, before or after selecting a time from the list:

Jan. 1, 2022 - Abstract Sort Order

We have updated the display order of abstracts associated with a session to be alphabetical on the session details page, instead of by date added. This does not change the "See all" link, which was always alphabetical.

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