After an abstract has been submitted, you can open communications by sending an ad hoc email to the submitter and authors of the abstract. Communicate important updates about the submission status, or remind presenters to register for the event. When preparing to send the email, you will have the option of selecting the recipients. The list of recipients includes:
Main Authors
Presenting Authors
Corresponding Authors
Before sending the email, please ensure that you have set up an ad hoc email template. For more information, you can read our knowledge base article "How to create and send an ad hoc email".
Emailing abstract authors
When sending abstract emails, the event manager will select which abstracts to send to, rather than individual authors. Since an abstract submitter can have multiple abstracts, you must choose which abstracts you’re emailing about.
Once the email template has been set up, you can follow the steps below to send an email to abstract authors:
Go to Abstract > Management > Submissions
Locate and select the abstract(s) for which you want to email the authors and/or co-authors (see 'Tip' below for selecting all or specific submissions)
Click the 'Tools' dropdown and select “Email authors…”
Select the email template you would like to use
Confirm which people will be receiving the email by selecting “Yes" or “No” for the various types of people related to the abstract
Click "Proceed" to view the email preview page
Verify the list of recipients at the bottom
Select "Proceed" at the top to send the email
Tip: Hold “Control” or “Command” on your keyboard to select multiple abstracts. To select all abstracts, use the ‘Tools’ dropdown and click “Select all…”.
Emailing presenters who have not registered
A common request is to email presenters of accepted abstracts who have not yet registered. This can be done by filtering your submission list prior to sending the email. You should already have created an ad hoc email before taking the following steps:
Go to Abstracts > Management > Submissions
Filter your submission list to show abstracts with "No registered presenter"
Follow the steps found above to send the email
Note: The "No registered presenter" filter looks at the registration status of presenting author only, but does not check if co authors are registered.