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How to create award categories and customize award entry page
How to create award categories and customize award entry page

Learn how to create new award categories for submitters.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over a week ago

Within awards events, submitters will be asked to choose an award category they want to submit their entry into. Event managers can create as many award categories as needed, but each entry can only be assigned to a single category. Generally, the award categories will correspond to the award types that will be given (ex: Best New Technology).

Award categories can each have a separate ‘award entry’ page allowing for different data to be collected. Award categories will also be used when giving judges access to review and grade entries. Unique judging panels can be assigned to each award category.

Creating award categories

Award categories can be created by taking the following steps:

  1. Go to Awards > Setup > Categories

  2. Click the “Add” button on the top left

  3. Enter a description/name for the award category

  4. Choose a section (if applicable

  5. Choose an ‘Entry page type’ (use ‘New Page’ for first category)

  6. Click “Save”

Note: During the award category creation, event managers can assign a judging panel, as well as prices and discounts. Categories can always be amended at a later date to apply these settings.

Award entry page

Award entry pages contain all the questions event managers ask submitters to enter for each award entry. Each award category can have a different award entry page. Award entry pages can also be linked or copied for quicker configuration. This is useful when the same questions are asked for multiple categories. 

The options for creating an award entry page are as follows:

  • New Page = new page is created for this category, will only contain “Project name” by default

  • Copy Page = copy entry page from another category, can then customize as a standalone page after. Dependent settings for questions do not get copied.

  • Link Page = links entry page to another category, all changes made to parent category will apply to all linked pages

Once the award category has been created, you can edit the entry page and add questions by going to Awards > Setup > Categories and selecting the “Edit” button on the right hand side. If the page is “linked’ to another, no “Edit” button will be displayed. 

Note: Upon “linking” a page to another, any data that existed on the page previously will be deleted. Similarly, if the page is ever “unlinked”, the page will revert back to a “new page”, only containing “Project name”. A warning message will display informing the event manager when data is to be deleted.

Editing a category

To edit the category settings, click on the name of the category itself. Doing so will open the “Category Details” page where you can edit the description, entry page configuration, judge panel, pricing, and discounts. 

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