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Report data sources (Reference)
Report data sources (Reference)

A reference guide to understanding report data sources.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over a week ago

Eventsforce offers many reporting options for your event/account. A key selection when building a report is your "data source". 

Most common data sources: Attendees, Registrations, Payments, Abstract Submissions, and Award Entries

When creating a new report, selecting the data source will generate a brief description of what the data source will show:

Below is a list of all data sources and our recommendation on when each should be used:


  • Abandoned Registrations = Returns abandoned/incomplete registrations for the last 90 days. Attendees are not removed from this report even after registering successfully. Best used to determine if people are having trouble with registration or find someone who thought they completed. 

  • Attendees = Returns each attendee registered in your event. Defaults to active (not cancelled) attendees. If using groups, registration contacts will be excluded. Best used for basic reports showing attendee data.

  • Events = Returns a row per event and display data for all events in the account. Best used when trying to compare registration totals across many events or report on custom event fields.

  • Invitees = Returns invitees that exist on your invitation list. Best used when determining who on your invitation list has accepted/rejected.

  • Invitees and Attendees = Returns both invitees (on your invitation list) and registered attendees. Best used to determine who might be expected to attend versus already registered/declined.

  • People = Returns people who exist in Eventsforce but may not be registered for an event. Best used when attempting to report on a "list of people" or all data in your Eventsforce account.

  • Registrations = Returns attendees and registration contacts for your event. You may see duplicates if the contact is also an attendee. Best used when trying to report on attendee data while also including payment information (from registration contact).

  • Session Bookings = Returns attendees who booked sessions, will show one row per session booked. If multiple sessions are booked, multiple rows will appear per attendee. Best used when trying to find attendees who registered for a specific session.

  • Sessions = Returns a row per session in your event. Both 'public' and 'admin only' sessions will be shown, as well as 'draft' and 'published' sessions. Best used when trying to pull total numbers of attendees per session or session details (name, location, presenters, etc). 


  • Event Revenue = Returns a row per event in your account. Best used to compare event revenue, amount outstanding, etc.

  • Discounts = Returns a row per discount used by an attendee. If multiple discounts are received, attendee will have multiple rows. Best used to report on how many times a given discount was used, and the total amount discounted.

  • Invoices = Returns one row per invoice and credit note. A purchase may result in several invoices/credit notes. Best used to identify invoices belonging to an individual.

  • Invoice line items = Returns one row per invoice line item. Every item purchased during registration is displayed on it's own row. Each attendee is likely to have several rows of data. For ease of viewing, sort data by "registration reference", then "invoice number". Best used to see obtain totals for items on invoices.

  • Payments = Returns one row per payment. Multiple attendee payments result in multiple rows of data. Best used for reconciling finance reports. 


  • Abstract Submissions = Returns one row per abstract in the event. Only returns "Submitted" abstracts by default. Best used to show all abstract data, co author data, and average review grade.

  • Abstract Submission Files = Returns files uploaded as part of an abstract submission, one row per file. A submission may have multiple files resulting in multiple rows. Best used to determine how many files were uploaded for each registration. 

  • Abstract Reviews = Returns one row per completed abstract review/criteria. Reviews against incomplete or archived submissions are excluded. Best used to show the reviews completed by reviewers and generate totals.


  • Award Entries = Returns one row per award entry for your event. Submitters with multiple entries will appear multiple times. Best used to report on all award data and financial information.

  • Award Entry Files = Returns files uploaded as part of an award entry, one row per file. Multiple uploaded files result in multiple rows. Best used to determine how many files were uploaded for each entry.


  • Table Bookings = Returns table bookings for your event, one row per seat. Attendees purchasing full tables or multiple seats will appear multiple times. Best used to report on who is assigned to which tables, which seats, and names of attendees.


  • Abstract Audit = Returns all changes made to abstract submissions. Best used to find out who changed their abstract, as well as what was changed.

  • Event Configuration Audit = Returns all changes made to an event. Best used to find out who changed event settings and what the old setting was.

  • File Download Audit = Returns one row per downloaded file, relates to awards files. Best used to get detailed information about which files are being downloaded, and who they are downloaded by (IP address).

  • People Data Audit = Shows changes made to data against 'People' in Eventsforce. Best used to determine what data was changed and which user made the change to a person.

  • Registration Audit = Returns one row per change made to a registration. Attendees are likely to have multiple rows if many changes were made. Best used to see who made a change to a registration, when the change was made, and what the old value was.


  • Database Items = Returns a list of all database items in your account. Best used for account auditing to see if duplicate database items are created, and managing your database items.

  • Registration Questions = Returns a list of registrations questions added to your event. Best used to report on which questions exist in your event, on which page, and the settings for each.

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