If you want to replace the standard Eventsforce domain name, "www.eventsforce.net" with a custom domain, there are two options:
Custom account domain
With a custom account domain, you can use your own branded domain name for your event websites. This means "www.eventsforce.net" will never be displayed in your event website. For example, you may choose the custom domain https://www.mycompanyevents.com.
Eventsforce will purchase, manage and configure your new, chosen domain name and the associated SSL certificate. It is no longer possible to use a sub-domain as a custom account domain.
If you wish to set up a custom account domain, please discuss with your Eventsforce account manager.
Note: It is not possible to use a custom account domain with an pre-existing domain. The domain is required to be available and subsequently purchased by Eventsforce.
Friendly URL
A friendly URL is a quick way to customize the ending of your event URL, without requiring any technical knowledge or purchasing of a domain. The domain will remain "eventsforce.net" but the ending of the URL will be custom (example: www.eventsforce.net/myevent):
There are restrictions on which characters can be used. Prohibited characters include: ? & [ ] { } | \ / ” % ~ # < >.
Go to Website > Settings > Addresses
Enter a value in the "Friendly URL" field
Click "Save"
Note: Event managers could set up a redirect of their URL to the event URL. This would need to be done within the domain settings - please speak to your technical contact.