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Viewing and exporting VCD, App, and App Website stats

Learn how to access stats related to the VCD, App, and App website and your attendees.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over a week ago

Event managers can use the ‘Stats’ page in the VCDor App Website to get statistics that relate to attendees, session, companies, assets, and more. Event managers can filter their data by date range and have the ability to export all data to separate CSV files.

This article will cover the following:

Viewing and filtering stats

Event managers can filter and view stats for different date ranges. This enables the event manager to better understand how the VCD or App platform is being used before the event dates, during the event, and post event. Event managers must first access the admin portal in order to view the ‘Stats’ page. Once logged in, event managers can take the following steps:

  1. Hover over the vertical menu bar on the left hand side

  2. Select Stats > Stats

  3. Use the ‘Date Range’ dropdown to choose a date range to include stats for or select a pre-defined date range (example: Pre-Event, During Event, Post Event), then click “Apply”

  4. View the charts/graphs directly on the screen OR click ‘Raw data’ for the raw data used in chart/graph

  5. (Optional) Click “Full Screen” to open a new window with the charts and graphs displayed in a full screen view

Note: Jump to specific areas of the page by selecting the type of content along the top (example: ‘Actions’, Sessions, ‘Posts’).

Exporting stats

Data for the graphs/charts can also be exported. Selecting “Export” will email the event manager a zipped file containing a CSV file (Excel) file showing raw data for each chart/graph. The “Export” option is located in the top left of the ‘Stats’ page:

Once “Export” has been selected, an email will be sent to the event manager containing a link to download the zipped file containing CSV files with data for each graph.

Website activity stats

Event managers can switch from viewing stats about attendees and event content to ‘Google Analytics’ which provides further detail on website activity. Event managers can access these stats by doing the following:

  1. Hover over the vertical menu bar on the left hand side

  2. Select Stats > Stats

  3. Select “Google Analytics” at the top

  4. Allow page to load stats regarding website activity

  5. (Optional) Filters by ‘Date Range’ and click “Apply”

  6. (Optional) Click “Full Screen” to view the information on a full screen

Ad campaign stats

Looking for stats related to your ad campaigns to provide to companies (sponsors)? Stats related to ad campaigns can be found on the Ads > Campaigns page. Locate the campaign and select “Stats” on the right hand side.

More information about ads can be found in our ‘How do I use Adverts in the VCD/App’ support article.

Stat descriptions

Stats are separated into the following groups; Attendees, Invited Attendees, Actions, Companies, Sessions, Abstracts/On Demand Content, Posts, Assets, and Page Content. Within each group are various stats and graphs that will display data. Depending on what features are used for your VCD event or App, not all areas will show data.

A breakdown of each group and stat can be found below. Use the links to jump to a specific stat group:


  • Total attendee count = the total number of people across all membership types added to the VCD or App platform

  • Attendee activations = percentage of people who have activated (logged in to) their VCD or App profile

  • Total attendees by membership type = pie chart showing percentage of attendees by membership type (members, speakers, exhibitors, moderators)

  • Attendee activations by membership type = pie chart showing percentage of attendee activations (logged in to profile) by membership type (members, speakers, exhibitors, moderators)

  • Engaged Attendees (3+ actions) = percentage of attendees who have taken 3 or more different actions (request meeting, add company, send message, etc) on the VCD or App platform

  • Very Engaged Attendees (5+ actions) = percentage of attendees who have taken 5 or more different actions (request meeting, add company, send message, etc) on the VCD or App platform

  • Engaged Attendees by membership type (3+ actions) = pie chart showing percentage of engaged (3+ different actions) attendees by membership type

  • Very Engaged Attendees by membership type (5+ actions) = pie chart showing percentage of very engaged (5+ different actions) attendees by membership type

  • Attendees by platform = pie chart showing the percentage of attendees based on the platform (website, iOS app, google play app) used to access the event

  • Top attendees by page views = chart showing the most popular attendees in the event by page views

Invited Attendees

  • Invited attendees = number of attendees who have been sent an ‘Invitation’ from the VCD or App platform (includes all membership types)

  • Attendee activations = percentage of those invited who have activated (logged in to) their VCD or App profile

  • Invited attendees by membership type = pie chart showing the percentage of people invited by membership type (members, speakers, exhibitors, moderators)

  • Attendee activations by membership type = pie chart showing the percentage of those invited who have activated (logged in) by membership type (members, speakers, exhibitors, moderators)

  • Engaged Attendees (3+ actions) = percentage of invited attendees who are engaged (3+ different actions)

  • Very Engaged Attendees (5+ actions) = percentage of invited attendees who are very engaged (5+ different actions)

  • Engaged Attendees by membership type (3+ actions) = pie chart showing percentage of invited attendees who are engaged (3+ different actions) by membership type

  • Very Engaged Attendees by membership type (5+ actions) = pie chart showing percentage of invited attendees who are engaged (3+ different actions) by membership type


  • Completed actions breakdown by membership type = line chart showing completed actions (send message, request meeting, follow company, etc) by membership type, hover over to see exact number or view “raw data”

  • Clickable action totals = line chart showing the number of attendees and number of actions by actions type (add session to schedule, request meeting, send message, etc)

  • Actions over time = graph showing the number of actions taken and number of attendees who took those actions over the course of date range chosen


  • Exhibitor count = total number of companies who are added with the ‘Exhibitor’ type

  • Sponsor count = total number of companies who are added with the ‘Sponsor’ type

  • % of companies who updated profiles = percentage of companies who logged into their company profile (activated their account)

  • % of companies who sent messages = percentage of companies who have sent messages within the VCD or App platform

  • # of messages sent by companies = total number of messages sent by companies within the VCD or App platform

  • Top companies by # of messages sent = bar chart listing the companies in order of who sent the most message (most on top)

  • % of companies who uploaded assets = percentage of companies who have uploaded assets to their company profile

  • # of assets uploaded by companies = the total number of assets added to all company profiles

  • Top companies by # of assets uploaded = bar chart listing the top companies by number of assets added (most at the top)

  • # of leads = total number of leads generated across all companies

  • Top companies by # of leads = bar chart listing the top companies by number of leads received (most at top)

  • Top companies by page views = bar chart listing the top companies by number of page views only (most at top)


  • # of sessions = total number of sessions that exist in the VCD or App event

  • Top sessions by # of attendees = bar chart listing the top sessions by number of attendees who have added the session to their personal schedule

  • Top sessions by page views = bar chart listing the top sessions by number of page views only

  • Top speakers by # of adds = bar chart listing the top speakers by number of times the speaker was added as a contact (favorited by an attendee)

  • Top speakers by page views = bar chart listing the top speakers by number of page views only

Abstracts/On Demand Content

  • # of abstracts/on demand content = total number of content hub items (abstracts or any other content) that exist in the VCD or App event

  • Top abstracts/on demand content by # of adds = bar chart listing the top abstracts/content hub items by number of times the item was added by an attendee (favorited/added to attendee’s personal library)

  • Top abstracts/on demand content by page views = bar chart listing the top content hub items by number of page views only


  • # of posts = total number of posts made within the various activity feeds in the VCD or App event (includes both event activity feed and all session activity feeds)

  • # of comments = total number of comments made across all activity feeds (event activity feed and session activity feeds)

  • # of likes = total number of likes made against posts across all activity feeds

  • # of posts with photos = total number of posts that include uploaded photos across all activity feeds


  • Top assets by page views = bar chart listing the top assets by number of page views, asset title will be used (export stats to get more detailed information such as company name the asset belongs to)

Page content

  • Top pages by page views = bar chart listing the top pages (custom pages only) by number of page views (default pages like ‘Home’, ‘Agenda’, etc are not included here)

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