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VCD/App Recommended Ad Sizes

The graphic sizes recommended for various ad banners in the VCD and EF Mobile Event App

Kim de Vries avatar
Written by Kim de Vries
Updated over a week ago

Desktop Banner - w: 1000px, h: 75px

This is a banner that can be used at the top or bottom of pages on the desktop/virtual experience.

Interstital Ad - w: 500px, h: 500px

This ad will pop up over the specified page, greying out the page content until the user closes it.

Mobile Ad Banner - Landscape: w: 2008px, h: 200px, Portrait: w: 1536px, h: 288px (please note: both sizes are required for this banner type.)

This banner can be used at the top or bottom of various app pages, or between other types of content on the app home page.

Sponsored Post Ad - w: 800px, h: 800px

This ad will display as a post in the social wall on the desktop once 5 posts have been reached. This function is desktop/virtual only.

Square Ad - w: 300px, h: 300px

This ad can be used in the left and right column of the desktop home page and in the mobile app on the home page.

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