Within Eventsforce, discounts created in your event will generally be available to all attendee categories by default. This is true when using the "Code" discount type, and applying the discount to the "Entire Event Price".
It is possible, however, to set up a discount that is only available to specific categories. This involves using "Registration prompt" as the discount type, and setting up category specific registration questions.
If a question such as "Enter your discount code" is only visible to one of your attendee categories, linking the discount to this question will ensure only that category can receive the discount.
Adding a category specific question
The first step involves creating a new question in your event that only some categories will see:
Go to Website > Content > Registration Pages
Click to "Edit" the registration page for the category in question
Hover over 'Add here' and select "Registration Question"
Create a new question such as "Attendee Discount code" (we recommend adding the name of the category to the database name)
Make the question visible only to the categories which can use the discount
Click "Save"
Creating the discount
The second step involves creating the discount that will be linked to the new question created above:
Go to Setup > Finance > Discounts
Click "Add" to create a new discount
Enter a discount name, and choose what the discount applies to
Choose "Registration prompt" as the discount type
In the "Registration Prompt 1:" drop-down, locate the discount code question you created previously
Enter the code you will provide to attendees in the box on the right (click "Save" and use the "more" link to set up multiple codes)
Enter the discount amount at the bottom
Click "Save"