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How to use abstract sections

Learn how to split the abstract into sections.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over 3 years ago

The default functionality allows abstract text to be collected in a single text area. Event managers may want to split that text area into multiple sections. Sections can help ensure that each abstract follows a fixed structure. With predefined headings for each section, the submitter enters text against each of the sections.

Note: When exporting abstract text that was entered in sections, the abstract text for all sections appears in a single column. The section name appears before the text entered in that section to help separate. 

Enable abstract sections

  1. Go to Abstracts > Setup > Settings

  2. In the 'Submissions' section, select the option to “Split the abstract into sections”

  3. Click the “Edit Sections…” button that is now active

  4. Click “+ Add” to create a new section

  5. For each section, add a ‘Section name’ and any ‘Instruction text’

  6. Click “OK” when done

  7. Click “Save”

Note: Sections cannot be re-ordered once added so we recommend adding in the same order you want them to appear to submitters.

Entering abstract data into sections

When your abstract event is using sections, submitters will be able to enter their abstract text across the sections created. The word or character maximum you set applies to the total abstract text across all sections. 

When submitter’s are creating an abstract, the sections will appear as follows:

Reviewing abstracts split into sections

Abstract reviewers will also see the sections as they review abstracts. When a reviewer logs in to review an abstract, the sections will appear as follows:

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