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Working with Attendees for the VCD, App Website, and App

Viewing and editing attendees from your VCD admin

Kim de Vries avatar
Written by Kim de Vries
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will cover how to view and edit your attendee data, and what kinds of information are associated with an attendee on the VCD, App website, and App platform.

This article will cover the following:

Viewing The Attendees List

You can view the full list of attendees in your VCD conference by logging in to your VCD or App Website as an admin ( and clicking the “Attendees” button on the left hand side:

On the “List” page, you can see your full list of attendees, or sort them by membership group by clicking on a category on the left. You can also search for an attendee by first name, last name, or email address.

Under ‘Name & Type’ you can see the name of an attendee and the membership group they belong to. The 'Email' column shows the email address associated with the attendee. The ‘Status’ column shows the status of that attendee for this conference and in the VCD/App system globally.

Attendee Statuses

Let’s define those terms a bit more. In the colored shape, you can get one of three statuses:

  • Activated (green) - this user has logged in to this conference

  • Invited (blue) - this user has been invited to this conference

  • Loaded (grey) - this user’s information has been loaded to this conference, but they’ve been neither invited nor activated

Below those conference specific statuses are global statuses. These statuses apply to every conference in our system that a user attends. Global statuses include:

  • Normal - this user has logged in to a conference (not necessarily this conference)

  • Unactivated - this account hasn’t been activated for any conferences in our system

  • Locked - this account has been locked by the system, either automatically due to too many login attempts or manually by a system administrator

Attendee Action Menu

Once you’ve found an attendee, you can do several things with their profile right from the list page. Click the circle with the three dots on the far right to see a menu of quick options.

  • Edit Account - Jump right to the Edit Account details for this user

  • Edit Notifications - Jump right to the Edit Notifications page for this user

  • Edit Profile - Jump right to the Edit Profile page for this user

  • Force Invite - Send an invitation to this user even if they have already received one

  • Membership Actions - Actions taken by this user (system log)

  • Reset Password - Reset this user’s password

  • Send Message - Send this user a message in the VCD or App

  • Switch to User - view the front end VCD or App website as this user (useful for troubleshooting any issues that they may be experiencing)

Attendee Details Page

To view the details for an attendee, find them in the attendee list and click on their name. The attendee details page has all the information associated with a given attendee in your conference, including information about them and the settings that control how they interact with the site (and how the site interacts with them).

Jump to a specific section using the links below:


This page has the basic attendee information, including their name, email, company, and role. You can take a number of actions on this attendee account from this page, including:

  • Switch to User: view the VCD or App Website front end as this user (very useful for troubleshooting but don’t forget to switch back to your moderator profile!)

  • Reset Password: change the password associated with this account to whatever you choose. The attendee will be prompted to change this to something of their choosing on their next login.

  • Message User: send this attendee a message on the VCD or App website

  • Lock/Unlock: lock or unlock this account. A locked account will not be able to log in. This option is most frequently used to unlock an account that has been locked by the system after too many login attempts for security.

You can also see which of your conferences this attendee has been to before or has upcoming, as well as their status within those conferences.

Next are the attendee’s account details, which include the account status globally (in this case, “Normal”), the membership type in this conference, their creation and last updated dates, any login failures since their last successful login attempt, and the last time they successfully logged in. Finally, you can see any Exhibitors/Companies that this attendee is associated with.


The profile contains optional information that can be added to the attendee’s profile for this conference, like their profile picture, salutation, name, company, position, bio, address, and social media, and conference specific tags. All of this information is editable to the attendee on the front end, but can also be adjusted by a moderator on the admin.


The “Schedule” page shows any sessions an attendee has added to their schedule and any meetings they are booked for. Click on the session name to see it on the front end or the meeting name to edit the meeting in the admin.


The Notifications page shows what the notification settings are for this particular attendee. This includes email notifications for VCD and push notifications for the mobile app.


Assets are generally managed by the attendee on the front end, but a moderator can see them and edit them from the admin as well. This page will show you a list of assets loaded by a particular attendee by type. Note that you must have the asset type highlighted to see any assets loaded. For example, you won’t see YouTube videos unless you’ve clicked the 'YouTube' link.

You can load additional assets directly through this page or edit existing assets. Select the type of asset you’d like to add from the list on the left, then give the asset a name and click “Choose File.” You can additionally choose to use a thumbnail, which needs to be the URL to the thumbnail file.


This information is required by the VCD/App platform, and includes the attendee’s first name, last name, and email address. You can change any of this information here, or the attendee can make changes on the front end. Please note that email addresses are global in the VCD/App platform. If you try to change the email address to one that already exists, whether in this conference or not, you will get an error. Please contact your Client Success Manager to resolve if you encounter this error.


This menu is for unique circumstances when a user needs different access then what their membership group is or needs to be hidden from view. From permissions, you can hide an attendee by selecting “Private” and saving. Note that a user can at any time switch from private to attendee from their settings on the front end (displaying as “visible” and “invisible”). If there are custom permissions for attendees in your set up, you will also be able to apply them manually here.

Note: For any permissions questions, please reach out to your CSM.

Creating an Attendee Manually

You can create an attendee using the Attendee > Create menu.

Fill out the attendee’s first name, last name, email address, and membership type. The remaining fields are optional but sometimes helpful:

  • Events - lists any sessions you’ve added to this attendee’s schedule via “Add event by name” (below).

  • Add Event by name - allows you to add sessions to an attendee while you create them. Start typing the name of a session and select it from the drop down that appears.

  • Remove Selected - highlight a session that you don’t want to add the attendee to that is in their list and click this button to remove it.

  • Exhibitor - Add this attendee as an on site editor to a company by typing the name of the company in this field and selecting it from the drop down that appears.

  • Add Another User - Click this to add up to five attendees manually at one time.

  • Invite new users? - check this box to send out invitations to the attendee(s) you’ve added at the same time that they are created.

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