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Salesforce integration (Reference)
Salesforce integration (Reference)

A reference guide explaining our Salesforce plugin.

Kim de Vries avatar
Written by Kim de Vries
Updated over a week ago

Eventsforce’s integration with the leading CRM tool Salesforce allows for easy data exchange between the two applications. Event data such as campaign data for invitees, lead creation, and updates can be seamlessly transferred.


  1. Simple setup in Salesforce and Eventsforce

  2. Map fields between Eventsforce and Salesforce

  3. Update Salesforce Leads and Contacts with the latest demographic data captured in Eventsforce

  4. Import Salesforce campaigns into Eventsforce to create invitation lists

  5. Update Salesforce Leads and Contacts with their invitation status

  6. Easily change the integration settings for each event

How it Works

When people are linked in Salesforce their records can be updated based on the event-level integration settings. The link between Eventsforce and Salesforce can be created in 3 different ways:

  1. When an invitation email is sent from Eventsforce

  2. When a registration is completed in Eventsforce

  3. When a campaign is imported from Salesforce into Eventsforce

Once linked, any changes made to a person's record in Eventsforce will be sent to Salesforce.  Any mapped fields that are not blank are updated.

A new Lead can optionally be created in Salesforce.

Getting Started with the CRM Integration Module (for Salesforce)

To get started, you will need to download the app by clicking this link and following the instructions.

You will need to have a security token to activate the integration in Eventsforce. If you do not have a security token or if you need to reset it, go to Salesforce and follow the instructions below:

  1. Click your login name (top right of the screen)

  2. From the drop-down select "My Settings"

  3. In the left-hand menu, select Personal > Personal Information > Reset My Security Token

  4. Salesforce will send you an email containing your security token

Getting Started in Eventsforce

There are account and event-level settings within Eventsforce.

Account Settings

To activate the integration in Eventsforce for your account: 

  1. Go to System Settings (Cog) > Salesforce > Settings

  2. Enter your Salesforce "Username" and "Password"

  3. Enter the "Salesforce security token". This will have been emailed to you when you completed the steps in “Setting up Salesforce” above

  4. Select the type of Salesforce account you are connecting to (production or sandbox)

  5. Click "Test"

  6. To activate the integration, click the Integration switch to “ON”.

If your Salesforce credentials are correct, the system will tell you the connection was successful.

If your Salesforce credentials are incorrect, the system will tell you the connection failed.

Managing Eventsforce Records

Eventsforce allows you to choose what you want to happen with records that already exist in Salesforce.

In the section “When a record is updated in Eventsforce”, the default settings will: 

  • If a person is already linked to Salesforce, it will update the Salesforce record with any modifications made to that person’s record in Eventsforce

  • If a person registers but is not linked to Salesforce, a new Lead will be created in Salesforce

If people are linked, “Do nothing” can be selected and any modifications made in Eventsforce will be ignored. This will mean that the database will have 2 versions of the same record.

Alternatively, if people are not linked to Salesforce, it is possible to create a new lead or “Search for an existing Salesforce record to update” using email address and last name. 

If the search returns a single Lead or Contact, Eventsforce will check the event to make sure the Lead or Contact has not been used for another person (Eventsforce stores the Lead Id or Contact Id against a person). If it has been used for another person in the same event, a new Lead will be created. If Salesforce returns more than one Lead or Contact for a lookup with email and last name, we must always create a new Lead.

When a new Lead is created, Eventsforce will be updated with the Salesforce Lead ID.

Field Mappings

You can decide which questions from your Eventsforce registration pages should be updated in Salesforce by mapping the fields.

To map fields, go to System Settings > Salesforce > Field Mappings.

Email, firstname, and lastname cannot be changed as these are always required as identifiers in both systems.

You can, however, add and delete any other field for Leads and Contacts.

Tip: Address lines 1, 2, and 3 will map correctly to Salesforce ‘Street’.

Mapped fields will only be available in Eventsforce if they have the attributes of 'Question: Available to all events' AND 'Answers: Apply to all events'

For more information about field mappings, read our article "How to configure Salesforce field mapping".

Transaction Report

To view which fields have been updated for a person, go to System Settings > Salesforce > Transactions.

The 'Salesforce Transaction List' will display the fields that have been updated on separate rows. One person may have multiple rows associated with them. 

Tip: The transaction report will display errors returned by Salesforce. An error such as "bad field names on insert/update" means is that the connected user does not have the necessary Salesforce permissions  to create registrations in Salesforce. 

Viewing Events in Salesforce

To see all events a Lead or Contact has registered for, you can add the Eventsforce Registrations related list to the Lead or Contact detail pages.

  1. Go to Setup > Customize > Leads > Page Layouts 

  2. Edit the page layouts as necessary for your Salesforce Organization 

  3. Click "Related Lists" and drag and drop the related list "Eventsforce Registrations" to the preferred position

The Related List 'Eventsforce Registrations' will display default fields when added. A Salesforce administrator will be able to add further display columns.

Working with Invitations

If you require information on how to set up invitations, go to our article How to create an invitation list.

The Invitation List page will indicate that the invitations have been sent to all the people on the list with a “Yes” in the ‘Emailed’ column.

Their invitation status will remain as ‘Invited’ until they register or decline the invitation. When the email is sent, their details will be managed based on the settings selected on the 'Salesforce Settings page', as described in the section ‘Managing Eventsforce Records’. In Salesforce, the "Registration Status" in the Eventsforce Registrations tab will be updated based on the response of the invitee.

Setting up Campaigns in Salesforce

If your workflow includes the use of Salesforce campaigns you will need to make these visible in Eventsforce. To do this, a field must be added to the 'Campaign' page layout. The field "Show In Eventsforce" will have to be selected for Eventsforce to import the 'Campaign Members'.

To add the field, follow the steps below: 

  1. Go to Setup > Customize > Campaigns > Page Layouts 

  2. Edit the page layouts as necessary for your Salesforce Organization and drag and drop the field: "Show In Eventsforce" to the preferred position

  3. Click "Save"

The new field will appear on the 'Campaign Detail' page.

Importing a Salesforce Campaign

To import a campaign from Salesforce, it must be tagged for Eventsforce to recognise it.  Follow the steps below to set this up:

  1. In Salesforce, click the "Campaigns" menu

  2. Click the campaign name to be imported into Eventsforce

  3. On the 'Campaign Details' page, click "Edit" and tick the box “Show in Eventsforce”

  4. Click "Save"

  5. In Eventsforce, go to Communications > Emails > Invitations

  6. In the 'Invitations Lists Details' panel, select the radio button “A Salesforce Campaign” and select the campaign from the drop-down menu

  7. Click "Import"

The Salesforce people will be imported.

If the "Stop" button is clicked during the import, the process will be halted. Only records that were processed prior to the "Stop" button being clicked will be imported.

Click on the "Number of people" hyperlink for “The invitation list contains” to view the imported records:

  1. To send the invitations, click "Back"

  2. Scroll down to the 'Send Emails' panel

  3. Click "Send Invitation Email to All Invitees"

If you add people to the invitation list, click the second "Invite" button so the email will only be sent to the new people on the list.

Awards Submitters

An awards submitter's details will be passed to Salesforce using the same rules as above.  The submitter will be added once registered within the submission process and labeled using the system's default attendee category.

Table Booking

Table bookers are not considered a registration within Eventsforce, so it will not be added to Salesforce as a registration

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