When working with sessions in Eventsforce, session labels can be created and assigned to each session, allowing attendees to filter sessions on the agenda by label. This can help attendees identify sessions they are interested in.
Setting up session labels is easy and involves creating the labels and assigning them to sessions. When creating labels, you will need to set a name and color for each label. Once created, the labels will then have to be assigned to sessions, either individually or in bulk. More than one label can be assigned to a session.
Note: Session labels will not be displayed to attendees during registration when using “Sessions in registration pages”. The labels will still appear on your website’s public agenda.
Creating session labels
Session labels are unique to each event in your account. You can create session labels by following the steps below:
Go to Setup > Program > Labels
Select ‘+’ to the left of the ‘Tools’ icon
Enter a name for the label
Select a color for the label using the color wheel
Click “Add”
Note: For a more accurate color, you can enter a hexadecimal color code into the ‘Code:’ field.
Assigning labels to sessions
Adding labels to sessions can be done individually or in bulk. Depending on how the sessions will need to be categorized, sessions can have one label or multiple labels. Once the labels are created, you can begin assigning labels to sessions by doing the following:
Go to Setup > Program > Sessions
Select the session
Click the ‘Tools’ icon and select ‘Change labels...’
Tick the box next to the label(s) to assign to the session
Click “Change”
Note: To assign labels to multiple sessions at once, press and hold “CTRL” or “Command” and select the sessions prior to taking the steps above.