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How to configure and use Eventsforce Kiosk
How to configure and use Eventsforce Kiosk

Learn how to set up the Eventsforce Kiosk app and check-in attendees on-site.

Ben Dharmanandan avatar
Written by Ben Dharmanandan
Updated over 12 months ago

After finalizing your Eventsforce Kiosk badge design and check-in options, the next step is to configure the Eventsforce Kiosk app and start the check-in process. This guide is designed to assist event planners in linking their Eventsforce event to the Eventsforce Kiosk app, enabling attendees to check in on-site. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can easily set up the Eventsforce Kiosk app and streamline the check-in process for your event.

Before continuing to set up the Eventsforce Kiosk app, ensure the following have been completed:

  • Enabled a Wi-Fi network with an Internet connection

  • Set up the Apple iPad and connected to the Wi-Fi network

  • Allowed the “Eventsforce Kiosk” app to access the device’s camera

  • Set up the printer and connect to the Wi-Fi network

  • Added your badge stock to the printer and run the printer alignment process

As you open the app, you will reach the “Admin Screen” which shows the Eventsforce Kiosk app settings, along with an area to scan an admin QR code. Scanning the admin QR code and entering the PIN is how you link your Eventsforce event to the Eventsforce Kiosk app.

This article will cover the following:

Print the admin QR code

The admin QR code is required when first setting up the Eventsforce Kiosk app. To make reprinting and changing Kiosk app settings easier, we recommend printing and keeping the admin QR code accessible (tip: place the admin QR code behind your badge). When the admin QR code is scanned, you will be immediately taken to the ‘admin screen’. To generate and print the admin QR code, take the below steps:

  1. Go to Setup > On-site > Kiosk Settings

  2. Select the “Print admin QR code” button in the top left

  3. Print and retain the admin QR code that generates

Obtain the admin QR code PIN

The admin QR code PIN is required when setting up the Eventsforce Kiosk app. The admin QR code PIN can also be used to access the app settings in situations where the admin QR code is not accessible. Admins can access the ‘Admin screen’ by triple-tapping the banner area and entering the admin QR code PIN. You can find this PIN within Eventsforce by taking the steps below:

  1. Go to Setup > On-site > Kiosk Settings

  2. Scroll down to the ‘Advanced Settings’ panel

  3. Take note of the “Admin QR code PIN”

Note: A PIN will only be generated if you select “Print admin QR code”. Use the “Revoke…” button to stop this PIN from being accepted (for example, if the PIN is shared accidentally with someone who shouldn’t have admin access).

Linking your EF Kiosk app to your Eventsforce event

When setting up the Eventsforce Kiosk app for the first time, you’ll need both the admin QR code and admin QR code PIN. Once you’ve obtained both, you can link your Eventsforce event to the Eventsforce Kiosk app. Follow the steps below. Repeat for multiple kiosks:

  1. Ensure your device is not in "dark mode"

  2. Open the “Eventsforce Kiosk” app on your device

  3. Scan the “Admin QR code” you printed earlier

  4. When prompted, enter the ‘admin QR code PIN’

  5. If entered correctly, you will see the ‘Update Admin Settings’ screen, which lists your account, event name, event start date, and event ID

  6. Verify the information is correct and tap “Confirm” in the top right (this may take some time; check the “Sync status” row for an update)

  7. Choose a printer by tapping “Selected” at the top of the ‘Admin Screen’ (it will only display available ‘Zebra’ printers on the same network as the device)

  8. Click “Start” once ready to begin scanning

  9. The attendee badge scanning screen will display

Note: If the “Start” button is not available, the app may still be syncing, or a printer has not been selected. Check the “Sync status” at the bottom of the ‘Admin Screen’.

Check-in on-site

Once Eventsforce Kiosk is linked to your Eventsforce event, attendees can begin checking themselves into the event and/or having their badge printed. Depending on the Eventsforce Kiosk lookup modes enabled, attendees can scan their check-in QR code, search by typing their last name, or enter their ticket number.

Don’t forget, you can also use the Kiosk app in landscape mode!

The Kiosk mode configuration will determine whether the attendee is checked-in, has their badge printed, or both. The confirmation messages will also depend on the Kiosk mode configuration.

Print only

In “Print Only” mode, a successful QR scan or attendee lookup will result in a quick green border highlight, followed by a “Printing your badge” message.

Check-in only

In “Check-in Only” mode, a successful QR scan or attendee lookup will result in a quick green border highlight, followed by a “Thank you, you are successfully checked in” message.

Print & Check-in

For “Print & Check-in” mode, a successful QR scan or attendee lookup will result in a quick green border highlight, followed by a “You are checked in, printing your badge” message.

Admin reprints of badges

Event planners can reprint an attendee badge. The attendee will see the generic error message if they attempt to check in again. An event planner can take the below steps to reprint a badge:

  1. Scan the ‘Admin QR Code’ from the main kiosk screen OR triple tap the banner area and enter the admin QR code PIN

  2. Tap “Reprint” at the bottom of the ‘Admin Screen’

  3. Scan the attendee’s QR code, or manually search for the attendee

  4. The badge will print again

  5. Tap “Exit” in the top right to exit ‘Admin reprint mode’


  • When an Admin QR code is scanned for an event with no badge printing (Check-in Only), the printer selection controls become inactive. The badge “Reprint” button also becomes disabled in this mode.

    • Before scanning the Admin QR code for the event, the printer settings are active as the Kiosk doesn't yet know what mode the event is in.

  • The admin reprint will not update the check-in timestamp or the attendee’s badge print timestamp.

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